The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Thanks for the offer,I will,I ll try my best to not bother you


I think I finally have panama figured out. What I have is an early hybrid that flowers eighteen to twenty weekso. By the late seventies, another several weeks had been chopped off the flowering time, and the color was more of a red. That saga has continued under the stewardship of companies like Ace and they have managed to cut the flowering time down to 8-10 weeksā€¦
I think people remember two different panama strains. Some people got the land race and some people got the hybrid. the land race is the green phenos. The hybrid has the red ones and green ones


I Donā€™t know if It Is Better or not,if cuttings the flowering time changes something but I would prefer the oldest possible preserved genetic,the true Panama Red High.
Advices are well accepted :grin:

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Itā€™s really not available. Only some collectors have the Pure seventy four. I really enjoyed the seventy one. Breeders hadnā€™t hacked at the flowering time enough yet to make the buzz sleepy. Itā€™s a nice cruising type sativa buzzā€¦ But I wouldnā€™t call it energetic. I really enjoyed it anyway


Itā€™s no bother. I just need a break from seed sending. Itā€™s been over a year now since I had a day with nothing that I had to do and my nerves are starting to fray


Hope your feeling better soon and have some spare time for yourself.
I think a day with nothing to do is just a wasted day in your life,better to be very busy.
Keep the good work up BrotheršŸ˜‰


Yeah, I let loose a Snowhigh rant myself while back LOL!

Just ended up deleting most of it

We will get it all back ā€¦Thanks to Overgrow!


@upstate so this Oaxacan clone is pulling the same thing as the other 3(?) Clones lol imagine that. Anyways 73 days of flower and is starting to throw new leaves and calyxes again.
Seeds seem good the first pollen round seeds are ready to pop out and the second round are hard to crush but it did and this was the inside.

Still going to take your advice and pull plant and clean dirt off the roots and hang her for a couple weeks just to be sure. Thanks

Outdoors at 35N, my two Oaxacas(Cryptic Labs via Upstate) were both harvested at the end of October and into early November with great results. :grinning:


That is actually fine for me. Anything north of 20 weeks though is a problem. Not because of space. My brother has plenty of it back home, but because people tend to lose interest on growing these varieties when it becomes a year long task or more. The Golden Tiger version 3 I got going on now have been flowering 16 weeks now and look like they got at least two more weeks. However, IĀ“m chopping them at 18 regardless because my wife just does not want to see plants anymore around the house, specially knowing that in late April I will be back at it again :sweat_smile:

This makes sense. I agree that this is the most likely case.

I would do that to any breeder selling overpriced seeds (north of 130 for a pack, just like I wil be doing with CAPā€™s MAC version 2 which I bought for 200 euros a pack of 10 seeds or Rezā€™s on account of him selling really expensive and being a snitch). Doing repros and selling, that is another thing though and I would never do that and I think most of us here, if we do repros, it is for the community. Most of the times, it coincides that these repros we want to do for the reasons mentioned above, also are heirloom varieties in the present or considered as such by many, or have a nostalgia value and seed makers try to exploit that.

In any case, I would share that burden with you if you needed any help with it.


I wonā€™t. I donā€™t want others to be taken advantage of. I kept relatively quiet until I found out Guitarzan has been ghosted by SnowHigh for a year. Those two were in constant touch when Guitarzan was spending money. Mine and hisā€¦I figured SnowHigh would make it right once he found out nothing germinated. Weā€™re talking 50-100 packs hereā€¦and that $5ā€™000 figure spent on seeds is an extremely low ballpark guess. Guitarzan probably spent more
than that by himself. He has tried many many germination methods and many more packs of seeds than i have. If I figured out the price I paid PER PLANT, itā€™s easy to figure out. Divide the total spent by 2. I stopped trying to germinate anything from him, because once I do Iā€™ll know the seed are dead. At least now I can keep hold of the dreamā€¦and pretend I have a nice SnowHigh seed collection.
The whole thing is BS. He knew the seeds were for the Freakers for Preservation in many cases. The pure stuff anyway. The last $1000 order was made because he was supposed to offer us a pack of Limon Verde when he released it, because we had spent so much on these other seeds. Never heard anything about that either, and that last $500 i spent on seedā€¦ I didnā€™t even want any of it. I wanted in on the Limon Verde seed.

I just need days with no work. I realty really needed a physical break from work around Christmas, but worked my whole vacation harder than I normally do. It needed to be done I suppose.

New calyxes Iā€™d expect at day 73, but new leaves mean one of several things. 1) you have a light leak or 2) you need to drop your N concentration down.
Or 3) drop on hours down to 11. OR
The plant is wrapping up seed production and its prepping for a life after the kids leavešŸ˜. Thatā€™s my guess. @George found the longest flowering Oaxaca plant yet. His was still going at day 156 of flower. Congrats on the finished seed!


Yeah, I agree not much good excuses left

I deleted most of my rant just for myselfā€¦I need toā€¦ ā€œLet Goā€

Yeah,. wasnt imply you should delete anythingā€¦I think its pathetic snowhigh acts too high on hill to return messages!

What I left of my rant wasā€¦ā€˜Hes really suppose to be one of usā€™

Rant deleted againā€¦LOL!


We donā€™t usually have rants like that on this thread @herbgreen i know you may have a problem with seed providers or other folks.

I know this can be a problem!

But in all honestyā€¦this isnā€™t the place to air grievances.( things like that will just do your nut in)
Which I hope you get sorted.

Itā€™s not usually like you, usually full of joy
Hopefully things work out for youā€¦



Oof, I spent a few bucks on some some packs as well. Really making me want to germ test something soon.

Also, did you ever try the Cryptic Panama?


No problemā€¦as far as Iā€™m concerned

Yeah,these things blow up into multi page non-sense some forums

Its better place @ the OG we dont do that

Its been saidā€¦we can all ā€˜Let it goā€™


@YoBigdaddy did a da lat repro not sure if same one.

@upstate Iā€™m going with getting ready. Mother did same thing and again at wk 12-13 I believe lol. Only been water for 3 wks and is in the back corner of tent which is corner of wall and 5 other plants not revegging. Also after last catastrophe with light leak Iā€™m vigilant about checking. The new grow is top to bottom more on top than bottom. The trics on the seeded plant seem waaay more than nonseeded. Maybe Iā€™m just getting a little better at growing lol.

Also does this look right? Supposed to be fem but looks like pods growing.

Well shit those pics came out horrible :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Yeah. No point in getting the blood pressure up. I will never get the Colombian Red I paid for and other have it worse. I at least got some good medicine in the form of Pabloā€™s Gold and some Nangahar x Panama (40 seeds) so he kinda took care of me. Been ghosted for a year myself. His email is overbooked too.
Best to just move on.
I saved a male and a female from Pabloā€™s Gold x viet purp. So I can backcross to the F1. Could be worse.


ā€œReceive without pride. Let go without attachment.ā€

~Marcus Aurelius


Happy Growing OGersā€¦Does any 0ne have any Pre98 Bubba. BUBBA KUSH KOSHER strains ,phenotypes especially 0nes for everyone to Grow out acclaimed to tropical Latitudes ,seedsavers to save Big Bud Kosher Genes
@YoBigdaddy thanks for sharing all those Top Dawg Genes , thanks very much
@Upstate thanks for the Good News top genesā€¦


I have some pre98 bubba I believe! Iā€™ll check when get home

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