The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Man it’s happenin already. Weather this year is ominous.


it’s a rarity to see /hear about my apollo ape. i’m guessing the chem fuego are from my F2 batch?


Super cool! Video of plants talking to each other!
Kinda hard to listen…guy has a thick accent. Worth watching


I’m digging it! The snow has dumped on me a couple of times, but it’s been followed by wind and passably warm weather.


You got it @anonymous4289 this is the Summer. Apollo Ape has had me climbing the Walls waiting to let her out.


awesome, tag me in updates, :+1:



i accidentally polluted my apollo ape seed jar with some of my black snow seeds, so i don’t give them out anymore. i’d love to see it grown again.


I’m looking in my 2022 notes and cannot find the Strains involved @anonymous4289

Thanks for letting me know about your mix-up, I’ll be sure to keep track of the beast

We’re hooked-up this season, I just shared a few BBD. Still Thanking you for that one !!


the strains that make up the apollo ape?
Apollo Ape (Apollo 11g f4 x Rare Darkness)
[Bodhi Seeds x Rare Dankness]


Many Thanks Anon!

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That Apollo ape is top shelf. I have 4 black snow eggs to try to get to germinate.


Question @anonymous4289

Do you want the 5 seeds that I have of Apollo Ape, to work and regain that inventory?

I can always juggle the beans, don’t want to grow the Last Ones


no thanks. i have 2 clean packs someone sent back to me so i’m set should i ever decide to f2 them.


Way Better

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Lol. I’m enjoying less shoveling myself. With every degree Celsius the Earth warms, the atmosphere can hold an additional seven percent moisture, which means more and more farmland worldwide will be opened up to cultivation. Contrary to propaganda, Fifteen percent more of the earth is under cultivation today than a quarter century ago, Due to afternoon thunderstorms that don’t happen when the climate is a little cooler. Deserts are actually getting greener worldwide, not drier. Lots of evidence suggests global warming is a good thing, not a bad thing. Just ask the vikings. There is a reason it was called Greenland a thousand years ago. The latest ice core data shows us that greenland was up to fifteen degrees celsius warmer a thousand years ago. There is no correlation between carbon levels and worldwide temperature either, going back through four hundred and fifty million years of data. The data actually suggests an inverse ratio between Co2 levels and temperatures, but the difference is negligible. While it is true temperatures are increasing today as are carbon levels, There are plenty of times throughout history where the opposite is true, and the latest data proves this beyond any doubt. Today the earth is right smack dab in the middle of historic carbon levels over the last four hundred and fifty million years. A hundred years ago when climate data began to be collected in earnest, the earth was at the coldest it had been in over ten thousand years. Recent ice core data that goes back a hundred thousand years in both antarctica and the greenland ice sheets gives us the data. The ice is like a time capsule where worldwide temperatures and carbon levels can be studied. We were and still are coming out of the mini ice age. It seems that something else causes warming and cooling. Perhaps the sun burns hotter or cooler. I’d like to see an end to the whole global warming talk and change the topic to something the whole world can get behind, Such as let’s stop shitting on our planet. I think we can all agree that pollution is terrible and we should do everything we can to stop it.
Interesting to note That the sahara was a green tropical paradise fifty five hundred years ago… And the Mayan long count calendar counts cycles of 5,125 years. Perhaps they were keeping track of times on earth where climate changed quickly and drastically. I hope not, but I am spreading landrace seed as fast as I can to make sure that no matter what climate we all end up with, my friends will have something to keep them high, fed, clothed and medicated😁



The communication of plants is a mystery…Its going on…I know that!

Part of my theory…plants effect each other mimic each others morphology

Had plenty of random weeds in the garden act like a leek or a eggplant …They want get in there!

Makes me wonder about putting cannabis plants together…now what happens!

I read this book early on…Secret life of Plants by Peter Tompkins

There was movie made…


Hyp3rids cayo hueso = cuban black haze x sawa

Just cracked these , don’t know much about them .
I believe from what I read could be 12 to 16 weeks
Anyone familiar with them

@Hyp3 any information would be appreciated


Exellent Article.

Ye as Bob Dylan said the times they are a changing.

Probably most of us in the future will have to adapt our growing methods to changing weather climates world wide.

The Dutch are ahead as per usual, recognizing the effects global warming and El Niño will have on our cultivation……not just Cannabis, vegetables ,farming etc.

Amsterdam Genetics » What Effect Does Climate Have On My Outdoor Cannabis Grow?.



Beautiful looking plant…good luck, keep me in the grow loop.



Ty brother I’ll keep you posted