The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Have heard good things about this book — want to get a paper back if possible @Upstate

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There’s another good book. “The secret life of trees”.


All I know is that growers have been injecting Co2 into their rooms to increase yield for a long time. I would expect plant processes will speed up worldwide and that would include cannabis.


DC is 73 degrees right now in January when we just had below freezing temps and 2+ inches of snow last week.


I was swimming North of Charlotte NC in Lake Norman in early February in 1999 or so. Water wasn’t even cold. Spring comes early down South. For sure though, the back and forth temps are odd, but not unheard of. An old saying in NY…if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute.


Denver has that same saying. When I lived there one day freezing, snow, rain and got up to 70° all in the spand of daylight


We have that same saying here in Ohio. Seems like it’s a widely used term. :+1:t2:


Columbian Gold, from the freaker’s repro which afaik came from snowhigh stock. Germinated in December 2022, harvested Christmas day 2023. I could have taken her a few weeks earlier and meant to, but me and the grow buddy kept forgetting to actually do it lol. Originally flowered indoors in february '23 but never finished so it was revegged for the outdoor season. She got hit hard by aphids, who ate a boat load of the lower flowering sites, quite literally nipping them in the bud! Hence the bare stalk, full top look.

While growing it smelled like a more muted version of my Acapulco Gold (also snowhigh stock via the freaker’s) with a spicy, musky, aftershave/cologne kinda smell, but the smell in the jar is very very muted, not much there. Pulling on an unlit joint it had a sort of sweet/sharp pineapple taste but that changed dramatically once the j was lit.

After lighting it had almost no flavor at all, my grow buddy agreed that there wasn’t much there. But after a few puffs the smoke would waft over my lips and I’d get the distinct taste of cigar. Not like “this weed is kinda tastes like cigars” but like I was actually smoking a cigar, tobacco flavor to a T with 0 weed flavor mixed in. It even left that oily feeling a cigar leaves on your lips that makes you want to wash your face after a session. Again the grow buddy agreed, it really was like smoking tobacco. Bonkers, imo. I had heard of tobacco flavors before but never thought they could be so on point! At the very end of the roach however, when the taste would normally get harsher, it transformed into a mocha coffee sorta taste, pretty nice.

Some interesting notes: despite not being particularly dense weed, when ground up the bud was a lot more “chunky” than I’m used to getting out of my grinder, and the joint didn’t want to stay lit. Light it, puff it, and it’s out 3 seconds later before you get around to your second puff. Which made my grow buddy think of tobacco even more lol, he reminisced about smoking cigs not treated with modern chems to stay lit and how they’d behave somewhat similarly.

The effect is a fairly potent foggy headed head buzz, not sleepy like an indica or hybrid but not quite as clear and clean as the Acapulco Gold. I’ve never smoked a haze plant so don’t jump on me when I say this, but “hazey” in the general sense of the word is a good way to describe the high. I’ll keep smoking it when I get the chance and I’ll keep this description updated :call_me_hand:


I wish I could give you my whole pack of likes for this post. Witcha.


In the Summer. SUNSHINE STATE , east west convergence. We get two inches of Rains , it Pours
We I has younger we floated the Rapids in Streams 55 degrees snorkeling , reservoir driving at 55 Peace
Overgrow The World with Heirlooms , Landraces ,
Share crops allover, happy Days Growers Outdoors
Nice Grow @ChongoBongo Lots Of Luck. We need a smell report if you choose…ty vm.peace


My hats Off to you @ChongoBongo.
That is an amazing Grow. And an amazing achievement as well .

You deserve some deep Dope, That’s for sure… enjoy the Cure!


Where are you located? That’s awesome you can grow the Colombian outdoors. It was a SnowHigh strain. I’d forgotten that. (His fresh seed pop no problem…but those old ones…not so much). I miss old Ron. Hope he is well. Nice to see his efforts put to use.


Kashmir x Oaxaca


Ye so do I….we were in contact …but haven’t heard from him for well? Around 15 months.

Ye hopefully he ok

Ox x Ka ….looking great ,nice jagged thin leaves




20 days since soak…had to re-pot.

Didn’t think they would be turning into Jack plants so quick. LOL

Happy days



Love the long growing Seasons of pleasing, Lat 28 the weather changes the plants acclimate,
Old baby that’s what I Like…
Thanks Much @Cbizzle for sharing …heirlooms
@herbgreen , one record of Life mycellium across the northern forests…talk about communications, the highest order is mycellium.
Check it out…
OverGrow The World with Heirlooms ,Landarces.


I love the look of those! Nice


Thanks me too. Some of the prettiest leaves i’ve ever seen. Looks a lot like siberian actually. Not quite as choppy
Smells like momma Silversides.
I think Black Tuna pollen Is destined to land on a couple three sisters ladies this summer. If it’s meant to be…


Those are some FAT leaves for PNG Gold x Haitian Sativa…wonder if they will thin out


In moving from part 1 to part 2 of this thread I am concerned. I have not seen any postings from Don Elchischas in this thread. I hope he was not offended by the newbie idiots questioning his knowledge. In posts 2575 and 2587 he provided doubters with his bona-fides. He is like a Mexican Nevil Schoenmakers only no commercial bs included. Please give him the respect he deserves.

Don Elchischas you asked about indian seed sellers. I am happy to mention two: Zomia and The first is a co-op in the far east with US ties. The second is pure indian with indian prices and selections.

I hope that was a help. Please post when you can.