The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)


Pretty much :sweat_smile:

We are borrowers.



My Red Snakes, day 43 on 12s. Still growing a little every day.


Last of my Oaxacan clones she’s done alright in cold but doesn’t like the cold nights as 2nd week of flower.


Oh 420 N

That poor clone, plant needs some love and attention LOL

Are you growing it under a light inside …or just taking it inside at night?
It looks like it needs a boost …I’m sort of worried about it, probably got at least another 10 weeks at least to go in flower…

Hard task to take it to harvest …looks kinda deficient in something.

Hope u don’t mind the Q,s as I’m sure she needs some remedial action…loads of Sun would help best…maybe try a tea feed …wi some cal mag.

Good luck



For now she is going in and out. I missed a night that hit 34°thats where I got the silver looking leaves. Finally hitting 60’s day and mid 40’s night. She just got a fish bat guano fert tea mixed with recharge. That should help a bit. Plan on having to finish inside. She wasn’t great and just got tired of having her around honestly so decided to try something other than cull. I can’t stand having to kill a plant :joy:. It’s silly I know but id rather experiment than kill outright. That being said I might pollenated to get more seeds idk yet. The mother to this clone gave me at least 500 beans so I’ll be able to pick a better keeper. I don’t mind the questions and I do appreciate you reaching out to help. I do love watching the amazing genetics you turn into amazing plants!


Ok…remember don’t mess around with plants in flower…with there intake of light …keep it steady at 12 hours .(

Hopefully others will advice as well…I only veg under light.
Just keep growing bro…your on Overgrow …we are here to serve LOL

Ps.Bat guano has a percent of Nitrogen of 12/15 % =NPK which is pretty high for flowering…( veg …no problem.

Bueno noche



Thanks I super diluted but was hoping do some good. She been in that pot since September or October I don’t remember off hand.


Just keep growing …you will find your groove.



For sure. Very few plants aren’t worthy. If you don’t find something you can’t wait to grow a second time, pop some more seeds. I have a feeling this next batch will be better😁

Depending on the guano. The fresh stuff is high or pure N, the old stuff is high or pure P. Many guano’s sold today are blends of the 2.
Oaxaca doesn’t like high P. Gives those curled top leaves. I’ve had the best results with 0-5-0 bat guano, as far as guano goes, but time release P, like
in fishbone meal, is even better.
@Panamajock how’s that oaxacalange smoking?


Strange enough Mexican bat guano is high N

Jamaican and Indonesian are high P

Ratio of some kind makes for good amendments


Jamaican can be high N. (10-1-0). I’m sure Indonesian Would have had high nitrogen at some point, But i’ve only seen high p from there. It all comes down to the age of the poo. The top poo is all N, the bottom poo is all P. Some caves have probably had all the high nitrogen stuff stripped already. Microbes are the cause of the change from N to P, which takes many, many years. Westerners first learned of guano from the Incas, who used to gather it from an island ( guano island maybe) That had been a bird colony so long hundreds of feet of droppings covering the ground.


Only photo of Guadalajara female I have. She was just transplanted in a cold room. :cold_face:
She’s bushy due to the accidental decapitation that happened when the sprout just popped up. Here is yet another case of doing everything you can to save a runt… and this time, saving a Preservation too. The males( 4) are much skimpier looking.


The only stuff I know is the sunleaves

Jamaican Bat Guano, 2.2lb. (1-10-0) - GTG Hydroponics

Your talking about different levels of guano in caves…That may be true

It changes no doubt over time in the curing of it…I’m just talking about things I can buy.

There’s also the Madagascar…might be good if you grow the Zamal

There’s Guano Company teas…used them before…as supplement


@YoBigdaddy ,s Nanan Bouclou

Six weeks in veg….Flipped today …still growing strong…im expecting at least double stretch.

Happy growing.




Bat guano wars.

A guano war broke out again in 1879, this time between Bolivia, Chile, and Peru in a series of border and guano tax disputes. The War of the Pacific roiled the region for another 5 years, leaving as many as 18,000 dead.

The British had a fetish about it …importing thousands of tons of Bat shit.

Ye Bat Shit …( and gannet and other bird shit)has a place in history.



Some PuntoRojo flower shots from the interwebs>>>

puntorojo3 puntorojo2 punto rojo1


Thanks for this @US3RNAM3 It so cool to see how exotic some of these famous buds can look. And how they all remain different.
This looks truly rugged, kinda beat up too. Do you need a light?

I’m diving into the Bhadra tonight, clean-up time for dead sugar leaves and the final push. Some Seed collecting


Beautiful ripe seeds they seem
Nice shot brother


If you use the really high p guano 0-13-0 it’s best to do so via a bubbled tea. It’s too strong for pure Sativas unless cooked or bubbled in tea first, at least in my experience.
@TexasTea I found pictures of the oaxaca pheno you cloned. Yours has a much better flower to leaf ratio, but it’s definitely this one…

The main clue( for my set up) is the flowering shoots that kinda peter out indoors, with more flower action occurring within the inner buds, which get really nice, with flowers getting smaller and smaller towards the branch tips, ending in a barely actively growing shoot that may stop making new flowers several weeks before harvest. It’s unusual to see. I don’t remember your plant doing this when you grew it? Maybe its my set up somehow. Outside she’s completely different, with full buds out to the tips of branches( same plant indoors and later as a cutting outdoors. Nice find. She smells amazing.!
Heres indoors now… Screenshot_20240220_072115_Gallery|225x500
Indoors original preservation…


Hey, I got that same watering can…yeah the tea is best to feed I think anyway

Much easier to adjust …The worm castings are natural buffer if give together

like the Guano Company tea…proceed with caution I would say less is more

Its the castings does what it does…its working…add more castings makes it easier on the plant