The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

And I need to pop some of that red snake! I haven’t forgotten @TexasTea

So many strains…


O79 x Malawi…spicy carrots mixed with fuel and mint.

Alpine Strawberries are doing great in the cold frame.


I haven’t had bud that looked like that since prop 215 was the main honcho around i’m jealous!


What a Show @TexasTea, I’m just trying to Imagine a Spicy Carrot with a dash of Fuel !!!
DaMn thats a combo I must visit.

Great work.

Here’s to Airy Buds. Saw that with the Squirrel Tail (@Budderton), just an amazing open bud structure.
The Aruka Valley has a very similar bud structure and on a smaller tighter level.

At first I thought your Malawi cross looked Airy. Now when I look, I’m imagining its a solid Bud all the way. ENJOY !



‘79Oaxaca/Malawi sounds like a great cross! :grinning:


Indeed! Was a kind gift from Mustafunk on IC. He says this Malawi Gold line was not the same as the Ace or Afropips lines.


Looks like the tall pine pheno I had round one. A wheat pheno, I guess, is what its called. Potency was excellent. That one has a more upright structure than the willow type I had too. Maybe just better growing conditions this time. Those flowers will clump up at the very end of flower. Bigger than mine got already. Very cool you could see resemblance to some red snake phenos. That Oaxaca Malawi looks awesome. I’m surprised it’s leaving you a bit tired. A cure will fix that? I had a stupefied Malawi stone from Afropips Malawi a few years back. I think it was just really strong and I wasn’t used to it.


Kashmir x Oaxaca( old silversides)


Thanks Upstate, I’m glad to hear she will probably fill out at least a little bit. When I popped these I do admit I was expecting something more like the Grinspoon pearly look, and it surprised me that they shot up this much after a long delay, but I’m digging this structure very much. I think it will combine well with the Red Snake if my pollen is still good.

What kills me is that these are all phenotypes from the same Cryptic Labs Oaxacan line, right? Amazing how much variation you can get from a line like this.


The pearl stem Oaxacans I’m running have awesome fruity smells right now, but I’ve learned that if you want good yield you should run it outside or under a screen. But they’re delicate and beautiful plants.


There is pretty crazy variation but I always see at least some resemblance to the original four female plants I had. Landraces are awesome because of this variety. Every time you grow them you find something new Mystic funk did a great job isolating the keepers and if I ever get to meet him in person I’m going to shake his hand and thank him for leaving the pearly types in there.

Mango smell by chance? For sure outside they shine. There are great indoor phenos too.


The Guadalajara female has an awesome stem rub smell. Citrusy.

Sorry about the extra in the screenshot. If it’s not weed i’m learning History


I’m not sure - just fruity.


Me to fav subject after travel.

When we appreciate history, we appreciate the sacrifices and hard work of those who came before us.



Hey thanks for the atta boy on saving the Oaxacan clone! It really put a smile on my face!
@Panamajock lol


Thanks for the seeds brother @420noob Nice work making them! Nice and healthy. Have you popped any yet?

The Silversides line will be all weeping pearly plants with larger clumps of pearls. I hope to finish isolating them this summer. :pray: The cutting from you has about the same flavor as Old Silversides, but a bit less incense and a bit more pine. Boy is it tasty! Been smoking it hard everyday. It’s definitely got painkilling properties like Old Silversides. I thought it was more of a side tracking effect, where it just makes you not think about pain, but I finally remembered to pay attention after smoking ( no small feat) and it most definitely makes the pain less, as well as distracting the mind from thinking about it. I think it could be an anti inflammatory.


Wow! This is weird
He usually not share his stuff
Btw i got the same cross from him
What’s the potency/effect?


Isn’t it amazing? This is why I decided I better keep it going. Really stinks up the room with incense, but it smokes sweet and definitely delivers a punch. I have two more cuttings halfway through flowering and two more are back in the veg tent. I’ve cut them back numerous times and made little bushes out of them. I’m discovering that a cutting allowed to grow on as soon as it roots will get big and tall. But if you cut it back mercilessly for months will eventually be subdued and you can keep it very compact, especially as it becomes root bound.


Well I’ve been growing a lot of Red Snake and Punto Rojo from CBG, and posting many pictures. Also a long time contributor to the Ace forum. So he must have decided I would be a good tester. Super nice of him! :slight_smile:

It’s early days on the O79 x Malawi as it just went in the jar and is not yet stabilized. It’s got a spicy carrots aroma with a hint of mint and a dose of fuel. No flower or honeysuckle aromas like on some of the other O79 crosses. Buds are dense enough and sticky, and there is a gold coloration for sure. Sweet taste when smoking. Feels strong after a hit or two and I imagine that a whole joint will leave you drooling on the floor, hehe…right now it makes me a little sleepy though and feeling tired. So I’m going to let it cure awhile and see how it changes.


Thanks for the info
If i got the chance
I’ll be give them a chance then