The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

A picture of that particular strain was shown on this board to elchischas. He said it is a hybrid.

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@YoBigdaddy ,s Nanan Bouclou

28 days = 4 weeks since the flip.

They haven’t stretched as much as I thought, the growth on the veg was rapid…so say they have doubled…then again I did nip the grow tips to get the Bouquet type shape.

There very strong plants and loving it here on the mountain.

YBD you have done a grand job there…I’m sure looking forward to smoking the product.

Ps. Come on guys, loads of N B seeds kindly given out, I know everyone won’t grow them …but you guys that will,get them in the paper towel!
Let’s give some respect to the guys who do preserving for us all…they like nothing better than seing there work showcased.
As we approach part 3 of the thread ( 5k) let’s get the grows going as we move on to part 3

Happy growing



That’s good rolling weed. :laughing::fire:


I certainly plan to, about to start things for my outdoor.


How long did you veg this? Looks like an aggressive plant. LOL

Everything you grow looks stellar Pj what are you feeding? Don’t you do teas? I thought I read that somewhere.


They ended up about 18” tall in 1 gal pots. The tall one 24”.

Nope. Fairly uniform overall with one tall one with more spear shaped buds, one truly purple one and and the rest green. I said earlier they weren’t oily plants but I have to correct myself and say they can be. Shucking the tall one it produced really dark oily seeds. Perhaps some Mexican pollen made its way into their garden :potted_plant: over the years.

I wish I could be more descriptive about terps but since I rode the Covid train my sense of smell has been dulled. It is slowly coming back thankfully.


I have mail from the last week to open. Getting some chores done today and hopefully by this evening or at the latest.By tomorrow morning’s coffee I’ll get into my packages. I have half a dozen of them and thanks to my shitty memory I have no idea what to expect lol. Thank you in advance buddy.
Smoking on some @TexasTea 's Oaxaca cutting right now, and this past 2 weeks. It’s super tasty potent smoke, But I have to walk around with six pencils if I hope to write down a measurement or make a mark for a cut🤣. Really helps the back pain, but I do walk back and forth alot trying to remember what I was going to go get…thus the 6 pencils. By the end of the day i’m lucky to have one😁
I also wore my shirt inside out and backwards all day, and ran out of gas five miles from home. Good smoke…probably best enjoyed AFTER work, unless doing manual labor.


A picture is worth a thousand words. I could tell you from the photo that the smell is just fine​:grin:. Really really nice plants. That’s real unfortunate your sniffer has been effected. Most people say that the smell comes back eventually. I hope yours returns to a hundred percent. There is quite the difference between what you have grown and the chiapas I grew, both originally from pakistan. I can tell yours has been grown in mexico much longer, and like you said I wouldn’t be surprised either if it had been mixed with mexican at some point. And then there is The question… When does it become mexican? :thinking: How long does something need to be grown somewhere Before it is associated with that country and not the one it came from? Might be a good topic. If it has been grown there for seventy five years, It is an old heirloom by my own current definition, and in twenty five years would qualify as a landrace, again, my own timeline… (Except that the small population from just one family growing it would not allow for landrace status…still an old heirloom)


“I know I just set that down somewhere…”
I can relate.


That’s a pretty cola! How is the smoke on that cross?


In Veg for six weeks…it certainly was aggressive in the veg grow,

Not as aggressive now four weeks in flower…but the buds are developing fast.

I tried to find my post on the bubbler ( can’t find it….but I use it with papaya, Banana skin, melon and.Papaya im sure has an influence…tried pineapple but I don’t think that worked…to citrusy.

I’m always experimenting…with the flowers and cactus in my garden.

Yukka is ok…but needs dried and turned in to powder

My go to is Raspadura (mollases) especially the stuff you get at local markets.

My two essentials are the Eden tea and the Mycos …especially used when I re-pot.
Also the teas and theycan be used on spent soil to regenerate it.

Hope this helps amigo…and thanks for the kind words. Appreciated!

Ps the Eden tea …goes a long way



Yeah, very nice smoke. Spicy carrots with a little mint and fuel. It needs a good cure though as it leaves me a bit tired.


@Panamajock you got me looking into green Eden and found this article. Thanks!
Compost Tea Brewing Like a Pro: The Ingredients, The Recipe, The Process. Have the green Eden added to Amazon cart.
Here’s my Oaxacan clone that I couldn’t bring myself to cull. She’s at 59 days.
Ok it’s not letting me load pics :thinking: will add later I guess.
Looking forward to see how that cures @TexasTea


@deez, wispy Oaxacan is getting some very delicate sweet tart candy aromas. They are fleeting but very intriguing. If you told me this plant was the mother of Red Snake it would not surprise me. I have seen very similar structure and smelled something similar in some RS phenos.


Whaa…you done a grand job turning round that clone…Kudos.

Ye that Eden compost tea I been using for a few years, when re-potting to forever pot. A wee feed of that and some mycos on the roots.

Give you a good mix and a head start, as you move into flowering.



That last pic …oif the spear pheno is just Hermosa.

Definitely a One Love foto



Wow that’s a primordial looking plant! I love those sparse looking ones. Let it go long enough and it may surprise you.


Thanks! I just dusted her with Red Snake so we shall see… :slight_smile:


Thank you kindly!

I must say even full of seed it’s what I would call luxurious smoke. Thick and tasty but not cough inducing.


I definitely need to grow some more Oaxaca this year. I miss it. The Viets have kinda stood in for a while but they can make you gaze deep into your navel. LOL