The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

I don’t remember the latitude but it’s New Mexico very close to Albuquerque. I don’t think where I live is technically desert. Semi-arid might be more accurate. The altitude (7200’) is what turns it into Canada. :joy:


@deeez99 I cut another bud from a Red Snake yesterday and smoked it today. (Day 76) Fantastic! It’s got this otherworldly trippiness and a feeling of oneness with nature. I haven’t felt anything like this since the '80s!

I smoked a full two grams though. Hopefully she’ll be more potent by harvest or I’ll make some pretty awesome hash oil.


I’ve been up there past Taos camping up on the Red River. Caught some trout there.


Give it time! Red Snakes that I’ve grown are delicious smoked fresh, but a couple of months in the jar and they really shine. I just toked on some 6 month jarred bud the other night and it was way more potent than when fresh. Still smoked very sweet and has fantastic aromas, stabilized at about 61% humidity.


You’re on the right track, at least the one I would try to follow. :slight_smile: I had a Cannabiogen Punto Rojo go for 22 weeks back in 2021 and it sounds similar to your description. The best one had floral aromas that were very delicate as they progressed towards ripening and I think one of those phenos was used with O79 to create the Red Snake line. Still have some of that PR in the freezer. What source is yours?


I haven’t tried red snake, nor have I grown it, but it sounds like short red point Pheno to me (that is, from the second batch of Red Point CBG). Of the red point repro that I am making, there is a male with shorter and darker internodes and a more leathery leaf, which I will not include in the red point repro, but I will save a little pollen, to later cross with a female short pheno oxacan, from Upstate’s Oxacan review. and I will make my own version of “red snake”,
I’ll call her “Redy Worm” hahaha


Greenhornet seeds used to do serious work with his landrace seeds.
I didn’t got any because a lack of space at that time

They used to got also a really interesting Vietnamese strain but Unfortunately there’s no notice about someone that still got the seeds


Hey thanks @upstate and @deeez99 no light leak anymore lol. They have pistils coming out I think it’s hitting another spurt here week 9.🤷. I’ll keep an eye on it.


I know a couple of good spots up there. A lot of people don’t know this, but the best fly-fishing in the world is reputedly in Northern New Mexico - the land of the Last.

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@deeez99 is the source. :crazy_face::point_left:


Yeah, your pearly stem definitely has the strong family resemblance to my two. I have one with barely any aroma and the other with strong candy sweet tarts. This morning it seemed a little grapey. The candy girl I hit with Red Snake and Cryptic pollen, and I think some it took as I see a few withered hairs today. The other plant may not be very aromatic but it is filling in a little better than Miss Stinky.

A lot of people would scoff at the yield, but yield is the least of my concerns as I have so many jars around that half of them will end up going into the compost before I get around to smoking or giving them away. To me it’s just as fun growing these kinds of crazy plants as it is sampling the results. :slight_smile:


Yield doesn’t matter. Effects do. Once you know how to grow the plant, you can get the yield. I think I know how to grow it for yield, but might put a bunch of clones outside to make up for it too.


Cryptic Labs incense pheno, heavily pruned for months before flowering.

Cryptic Labs pearly pheno, no pruning. This is the less aromatic of the two and she is filling out a little more than Miss Stinky.


Three Ace Guatemala


Sounds great! Is that rare Southwestern Trout living in those parts? Speckled Trout maybe? I’m thinking the Catskills are hard to beat. You can go to several streams and catch Brown, Rainbow, Brook and Tiger Trout all in one day. So many great options too. East and West Branches of the Delaware, the main branch of the Delaware, Schoharie Creek, The Esopus, Beaverkill, Willowemoc, Neversink and countless smaller streams all have incredible fishing. I’d love To see how your area compares. It must be Heavenly.


Oh nice! I’ve got some Cannabiogen Quezelita Guatemala from @lefthandseeds I’m going to try to preserve, so it’s nice to have a fresh comparison.
Nice looking Oaxaca. It’s so nice to see all of you guys growing these. There’s some very special plants to be found.



Any new photos of the AllStar Mexican? @Som has some well seeded up now for his preservation project


It’s a no-kill fishery (stream) south of Navajo Lake. There are other fishes, but the main draw is the Rio Grande cutthroat trout. I haven’t fished it yet because I didn’t even have a fly rod until Christmas (only fly-fishermen allowed). I have fished a lot of areas around there though. It’s a long drive for me but I always catch my limit.


Yeah, Love the Oaxaca plants!!! That’s great to see Guatemala being grown!

How about Honduras?

Anyone had any luck there…Ace Honduras is up there on the ‘what’s to grow’ for me


I still have Honduras seeds but never grew them yet. Honduras x Panama though I have grown numerous times and is always good.