The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)


I’ve had that plant outside …it had been attacked by white fly…so outside and the WF is going after spraying (been bad this summer’)

I think the colour charge is to do with the fan leaves dying and the few cold nights we have had on the mountain…she be ready in a couple of weeks…smells strongly of Strong whiff of diesel when you pass it…few days ago was kinda stinky cheese smell.

I’m off to Cahuita tomorrow ( Talamanica) for four days…a wee recky see what there smoking there…probably creepy or Crispi ,



Whaaa….Swanson Hawk
Totally love that foto…what a buzz you must have got. Incredible

P j


Just happens to be right in front of the sun to. There are more planes than normal out today. And tons of chem trails.



Yesterday I went over my two remaining Oaxacan Pearl Stem looking for male flowers. And I used the ol’ fine-toothed comb so I’m happy.

I can see that this strain needs to be outside in high numbers and I haven’t reproed any seeds yet. So in a couple of weeks I’ll be chopping the two I have left. Then I’m going to plant all those feminized seeds around the house and at my guerrilla locations.


The four Puntorojo females are forming their seeds well, they were fertilized by two males, a Gold male and a Red male.


Out of curiousity, Tassajara? If so, from what I read, that is the correct place to plant that.

I sure hope you can save/make some seeds. To say that is rare is an understatement.


Looking good!


Very cool. We have some small yucca that bloom periodically. IIRC, it grows for 5 years before flowering.


The Punta rojo is a great looking nld plant!


It’s great to get caught up on this thread and see all the amazing work everyone’s been keeping busy with!

Here’s a mini run that fits the bill; Mexican punto rojo male x (Torreón x Michoacán). One hermit in the Torreón x Mich got culled. Not expecting many beans but wanted to put that MPR male to work since he was the only male from my pack.


There’s a lot of ugly, seedy bud that’ll send you into the stratosphere. Hope you’ll at least sample it.


I usually smoke a joint or two from my seed runs and then turn the rest into edibles.


I know I am late to comment. As a Tangankyian lake fish breeder I know what went on in OC. Chloramine was prevalent which spreads to this hobby. Chemically treated water means we can’t think about places reasoning in unpolluted water. Evidently ours is been polluted if they have to use that stuff.


If you don’t mind my asking, what sort of edibles do you make, and what’s the process?


Remember to burn the Sulphur off the match first. :roll_eyes:

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I make gummies. I put the weed in a mason jar with coconut oil, and simmer it in a water bath for six hours to make the infused oil. I portion the oil into 1/2 cup portions which I freeze until I make a batch of gummies.

Here is the gummy recipe. Gummies are just jello with extra gelatin. I am a chef so I will write it out like a real recipe:

1/2 cup of infused cannabis oil
3 Knox gelatin packets
1 standard package of jello
2 teaspoons of lecithin
1 teaspoon of lemon juice

  1. Put 3 knox packets of gelatin in 1/2 cup of water and stir (this is called blooming the gelatin)
  2. Put the infused oil in a double boiler with the lecithin and let it melt under medium heat.
  3. Bring a half a cup of water to a boil, turn it off, add the jello and lemon juice and stir until the jello is dissolved.
  4. Add the jello mix and the bloomed gelatin to the infused oil in the double boiler and stir for 10 minutes.
  5. Pour everything into a plastic container and let it set up in the refrigerator for a couple hours.
  6. Cut it into about 30 cubes and freeze (there is no preservative in homemade gummies so they will eventually mold if you don’t freeze them). Two cubes is usually a good dose.

Never heard of tessajara.


Wanted to catch up a bit on this thread and accidentally read half a year of it. Awesome work everyone, thanks for sharing your pictures and experiences. Can’t wait to grow some Oaxacan. :drooling_face:


Looking great @ClassicGenetix! I’ve been anxious to see some pics of those Mexican Red Hair plants. Definitely looking forward to the smoke report.

I think it’s @Michael1. Would love to hear more about these.

Now I’m really jealous of you @Panamajock as all three of my Nanan Bouclou are male. How’s the smell on those coming along?

Definitely shines outdoors if you are trying to get any sort of yield. Can’t wait to see your outdoor grows.

Beautiful plants @Arbac. You may have mentioned somewhere but how are you differentiating a “gold” male vs a “red” male?

Awesome man! Are these both snowhigh releases?

Looking forward to seeing what you find. Always love seeing those Oaxacan, such a diverse line.