The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

What about natural rubber? not abrasion resistant enough


The Native Americans used pine resin on their canoes as adhesive and to fix holes. Once dry itā€™s waterproof and no longer sticky. I used it myself once for a canoe hole patch.


They doing better yet?


Guadalajara week 13. Looks like she will go a few more. Thereā€™s a very vigorous second flowering happening right now, glands are still clear.

Had a sample on 4/20. Sheā€™s as good as she looks. Picking a few seeds offā€¦= successful preservationšŸ˜ Hoping to grow a few plants out this summer to get a look at what hidden gems those male plants contain.


No. I flushed them really well a few days ago. Thereā€™s some green growth at the bottom - they might be doing better now.

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@rasterman Soil too hot for them maybe? Iā€™ve pulled plants back out of a mix they donā€™t like if they havenā€™t heavily rooted into it yet. It was a quicker recovery for them in every case. Usually I mix some seedling soil into 2 inches of that too hot soil the roots sat on, and replant again in the same space.


Thatā€™s probably what Iā€™ll have to do. I probably put in too much composted chicken poop. Iā€™ve done this a couple of times before.

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I decided to chop my two Pearl Stem moms. My note about age got wet, but I think theyā€™re around week 11-12. I did a test smoke weeks ago and I think theyā€™re ready enough.


@rasterman Twelve weeks sounds about right as a cutting. I hope they smoke good for you! I have found they really donā€™t need a cure.


Yeah when I chopped the herms I just dried it out and made doobs. It was good smoke as long as it lasted. Iā€™m looking forward to burning through this!


I have also found the weed usually doesnā€™t last enough to test my theoryšŸ¤£


Guadalajara week 13ā€¦2nd flowering begins in earnest.


What kind of scents/aromas you find on this pheno? Did it translate over in taste? what about effects?

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what sorta scents/aromas you find on this one? effects?

How many weeks in flower? How many till harvest? Thatā€™s really beautiful.

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@US3RNAM3 itā€™s a strong smooth effect. Very happy, carefree, good for working or relaxing. High comes on in waves. 2 hrs long microwaved. As far as aromas, thereā€™s some sweet perfume of some sort mixed with Dank smell. In the skunk family without being skunk if that makes sense. Like Lambsbread or Kullu India, Palani Black India.
@Sintax Iā€™m guessing 16, but Iā€™m the Gunea pig. No info about it. Recently collected in Mexico. I was told the high is like walking on pillows. I agree.
Iā€™m at week 13. Thereā€™s a few weeks left I think.


Iā€™d definitely have to grow it in the tent. Michiganā€™s season too short to chance it.

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Good call. No way it would finish for you. Flowering wouldnā€™t start until september.

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This one looked female till it was taller then me then hermeid at the tops, bag seed physically brought back from Jamaica. Mid summer ish 15 gallon pot. Had to chop and pop an auto to get anything that year.



They all seemed pretty similar to me, except that two hermed and two didnā€™t - minty smells, pleasant, but not really loud. Effects were pleasant with waves of euphoria.