The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Day 54 of flower. NASA brickweed fading out!


‘74 Oaxacan Punta Cometa on day 54 of flower. Starting to show some purp.


Nice fade and buds





The seconds photos seems to be Jerry Kamstra trip to Guerrero Mountains


It appears the farmers in the photos were harvesting male and female plants at the same time. They obviously didn’t care about seeds.


Interesting article …Viable seeds


Interesting article, thanks for sharing! IME floating seeds are fine, had excellent germination rates with fully mature seeds.


Red Snake :snake:. Latest @deeez99

Seven days from the flip the four Red Snakes are vigorously growing.

Ye strong growing…
I had to post…the growth is very rapid on these.!

Edit…Happy Easter


Looking great, you’re making me want to drop a few myself now. Happy Easter!


Big time danger noodle. The bushmaster’s venom is potent, even among venomous snakes. I don’t take life if I don’t have to, but humans and bushmasters cannot co-exist, and I would not want to even try to catch that thing.


Oaxaca update: So here is the 1st female to show its sex before I planted it into an Earthbox as @Upstate suggested. We’ll be going into very hot days soon enough with extreme wind gust conditions called Santa Ana Winds which are hot and dry wind gusts of up to 70 miles per hour on some days. I have the tape measure marked off at 2 feet. She’s starting to put on some stretch.

And here she is in one of the Earthboxes I purchased. According to BuildASoil when using these Earthboxes for growing weed, you don’t want to fill the reservoir right away since the roots will not have reached it until around a week or 2 so you have to top water until then. If you were to fill it with no roots that have reached it yet, you would end up with anaerobic water. This is also why the soil is not mounded just yet and covered with the shower cap it comes with.

And here is the male with no more droop as it was showing in an earlier post because of all the rain we were having. I kept him in a 2 gallon pot to finish flowering.

Random hair landed on him it since it is growing outside and the neighbors have cats.

In an earlier post @Upstate told me I was picking the flowers off the male too soon which as indeed the case since I got no pollen off those. I’m getting better at being able to tell which ones are ready to spew. I still grab some under ripe ones every now and then. I noticed that when you pinch a flower that is not ready with tweezers, it feels a little like tiny sand grits being crushed. The ripe ones don’t do that.

This male is giving off some great amounts for it just getting started. There are still a bunch on the plant that are not ripe yet.

The tray above is where I’m throwing the spent flowers. I have a pollen shaker but want to examine this process up close at first so I know what’s going on.

I’ve also noticed that if some aren’t opened yet but are ready with pollen inside them like this one, you can grab it with tweezers and bang them with another pair of tweezers to make the pollen fall out.

Then just when you think there is no more to give…there actually is more! When the flower is pinched open with the tweezers like this it will show its bananas so to speak. If you take another pair of tweezers and crush the banana straight down, it will kinda burst itself open and release a little more as you can tell by the dust that appears on the tweezers afterwards.

Sometimes the bananas come apart individually and the same process can be applied. I can see this process being especially useful if you got a plant that didn’t give you much pollen in the first place.

Here is me getting the dust outta banana that came loose.

![Screen Shot 2023-04-09 at 7.23.10 PM|372x500]

After I crush the banana I tap the tweezer with the other tweezer to drop the pollen. There is a lot of tapping happening doing it this way.

Not a bad haul for a couple of days of collecting. There are too many damn flowers on that guy for me to be doing it like this from here forward so I’m probably gonna use the pollen shaker from now on out

I have another strain that I’m collecting pollen from it it’s nowhere near as good a haul as this Oaxaca is putting down!


Yo! Awesome write up of your explorations brother.
Thanks for sharing all that… the tweezer work sounds like serious dedication, but I can see how it might be valuable in a situation like you mentioned.
That Oaxaca male is a sight! Those branches don’t look like they should be upright at that length, but they seem sturdy as poles!
Everything’s looking solid.


Harvest time day 58 of flower.

NASA brickweed

‘74 Oaxacan Punta Cometa


Good article on seeds. Of course, the best seeds are always the ones soaking between paper towels😁


I usually leave those for about 24 hours with the wax paper loosely closed. After 24 worse I tap all of the flowers , usually with my fingers but preferably with something else. I just kind of poke them or crush them a little bit, And then I will slide them around the paper Kind of roughing them up a little bit as I do. Just enough movement to get the last bit of pollen out. Each day I remove the old flowers and new ones for a weekor so. Once I have collected for a week I’ll leave the pollen out a few more days Assuming the weather is nice and then I will package it up in vials topped with dry rice. Into the fridge they go.
This is my 3rd summer growing Oaxaca And I still get excited when I see a nice branchy male. He’s a Silversides pheno male for sure.
@HumblePie420 I hadn’t got to your pollen tutorial yet when I wrote the above. Nice lesson and great pics. :+1:


Harvesting both? That NASA strain does have a beautiful fade.
How long did you veg?


Best Wishes with this awesome crop.
May I ask what it is that you have growing as a companion, in each of the small pots.

I’ve used some White Clover indoors this Winter and I have no + or - results yet. But it was a consistent addition.

I’ll watch an Oax grow each and every time…
