The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

@Upstate Oaxaca X Peshawar :slight_smile:

Thought I might drop these here maybe they will come check out the thread :slight_smile:
And so “old silver sides” is the pearl pheno?


Got a few picks you can tell which seedlings had little to wet of soil.

Ancestral skunk x Turkish hash plant 8 days above ground


Oaxacan x red snake


Peshawar afgahni

Ancestral skunk x Turkish hash plant


Peshawar afgahni

Oaxacan x red snake


I’ve been puffing on a tester lower branch of the Upstate Oaxacan that I took down a few days ago. Really not quite smokable yet, but already I am impressed. This is sticky weed with very good trichome coverage and buds are fairly dense. I love the aromas! Sweet piney and woody smells, with a dose of artist oil paints and turpentine. The flavor is already fantastic, with those same aroma notes on your tongue. Sweet candy pine. Also very potent, hehe…I have two cuts from this in veg so I will grow this again, and next time will dust it with Red Snake. This plant go hit with my hermie Pelo Rojo so there are seeds, but not sure I would bother growing them.


Sounds like some bad ass smoke brother! Those are nice sized buds compared to my Oaxaca harvest. Mine do look like little pearls on stems. I have a feeling my shorter, bushier plant will have buds more like these. I haven’t really smoked any of it properly. Still very wet and hanging. Looks fantastic! An ounce of that stuff would bring a pretty penny around these parts.


Im hoping for buds like those, my Oaxaca 11f weeks tomorrow.


That’s mine exactly! Was a big bitch. Would have for sure filled up my inside grow room.


That’s a really really nice Oaxaca you found. Beautiful resin. Glad you are enjoying it! Should be easy to grow the second round. Expect two weeks off the flower time.
@Greenfingers that’s a pearl pheno. Not string of pearls, more like small clumps of calyxes. They don’t yield like the other phenos, but the smoke is what people from the 70’s era still talk about. You are in for a treat. Yields alot more than it looks. After it’s dry, and I recommend lower temps for this, like @HumblePie420 is doing. Squeeze a branch at its base between thumb and forefinger and run it to the tip. Grip and strip method. By harvest most leaf will be gone, too. No trimming required. Just pick the leaf out of the pile.
Do this BEFORE its fully dry, ( Don’t wait for the stems to snap like with other weed)unless you want a table full of resin. Even the stems make nice hash.
Yours will go 16-20 weeks. Probably 16. It’s looking good! I’m jealous if that says anything :wink:


I think it will. It isn’t a pearl pheno at any rate… I can’t stand the wait for you to smoke the Silversides when dry😁
@420noob I think those pucks are the problem. Very easy to overwater, when the surrounding soil looks drier, it’s still wet.


But do you think that they could help improve drought tolerance? Well or a better wording would be it could allow you to push the “dry back” and possibly push those trichs out a bit , later in flower :slight_smile: just a thought PS lol that’s @HumblePie420 said that lol


The worst part about it is that the pucks did fine. It was the stupid jiffy pots. I don’t know what I was thinking with this move but ya dumb. I had to cut the bottoms out when I transplanted.🤦

dont know why I used these wtf. The 2 Oaxacans that went outside went straight to dirt they are doing ok. Is it ok to leave humidity dome on outside?
these are 6 days above dirt.


Man I don’t think it’s even possible to grow shit in jiffy pots, every time I tried they killed everything either before germination or just after. I think they just hold too much water.
I get these small coco sprouting cubes from the hydro shop sometimes and they are pretty good but mostly now just a sandy seed raising mix in a tray and water with a spray bottle just to keep it damp. This seems as good as anything else I’ve tried🤷‍♂️

Also if you do this and put the tray in your tent in a small clear plastic storage crate you get a $2 terrarium that will stop them drying out.


50/50 fine perlite / vermiculite . Sterile , inert , drains well , cheap . Rooting cutings or sprouting seeds . Seedlings 60/40 , growing 75/25 or less vermiculite if you run drier .


Oooh.i thought they were the same thing. Whats the difference?
What state are you in? Real dry air?

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Got these from the legendary Kushyman. Shared with him from a grower who did an open pollination of the best Mexican that passed through his area in the 00’s. Right up my alley.

Mine are still seedlings but he has a few in flower right now.


Outside of vegas. Also with the jiffy pots the walls and bottom are so thick that I think roots would drown before getting through the pot. I pulled the bottoms off when I potted them and could see roots wrapping already instead of growing through the pot. I’ve thought about Rockwool also I’ve had great luck with rapid rooters here. Hold moisture but have sponge like holes for fresh air. Everytime they have roots shooting out like you see with Rockwool. Just using what I have on hand. The seeds go in to black and gold seedling mix. Works well also. @upstate the jiffy plugs are just peat or coir plugs wrapped in a cloth. Jiffy pots are a self decomposing pot so supposed to put in dirt and dirt helps break it down so roots can grow through. Basically a plantable pot. They have bigger ones as well that way your seedling do t have transplant shock. Not the best for mj but might work better with garden veg’s or flowers.


I’d imagine a dome outside would cook them.


Hey you found the question buried in my ramblings so no humidity domes outside? Just trying to keep from drying out from dry hot wind.


I personally wouldn’t but I live in az. Vegas is pretty hot too. Inside of a dome would be very hot under the sun. And no fresh air. I know humidity is super helpful but not necessary. And I think that would be a huge risk.


Ya I lived in az and very similar weather

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Some pretty interesting stuff in this article here. Scholarly article about the early use of marijuana in the US and Mexico.