The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)


Got bit by a tick and got a bad fever, sweats, weakness etc. Slept since mid Saturday for the most part. Catch up with you all soon.
Pretty sure itā€™s rocky mountain spotted fever


Is there medication for it, or does it have to run its course?


Did they put you on doxycycline?


Prayers and best vibes sent for a speedy recovery. That sounds like some serious business. If you donā€™t kick that fever in a few days, better get to a Doc. peace


Man, that sucks(no pun intended). What meds(natural or otherwise) are you taking for it?


@Upstate best wishes and good vibes brother! Hope you get over this as quickly as possible.


Oh hell no, that stinks. @Upstate, Get well soon buddy.


Praying for you bro I hope you feel better soon


Those are the Funkiest, tiny-Buds that Iā€™ve ever seen @Greenfingers.

Truly impressive, and I cannot wait to hear about her Tastes

Great Work Gf


Here to second the above - very impressive, im jelly - would much rather have flower with the tiny angelā€™s tearsā€¦less is more


Hereā€™s to Mountain Gold @TexasTea, its been a while since I have seen her mentioned.
My last two attempts resulted in Malesā€¦ And I am not done trying that one YET.

Cheers to a special Oaxacan x Hawaiian strain


Oh thatā€™s a great one. Really nice smoke, and very easy to grow. Mine had little stretch and put on some good sized flowers even though I had her in a smaller pot. Delicious bubble gum aromas. :wink:


Oh no, so sorry to hear! Hope you can get some antibiotics quickly. A good friend got bitten recently, had symptoms, and recovered pretty fast after getting treatment.


Feel better soon @Upstate sorry you got knocked down.


Sure did kick my ass for a bit. Iā€™m up and around more today.

Just sleep and rest. I had my fill with pharmaceuticals and now Iā€™d have to be about dead to take anything again. Nothing against antibiotics but I think they are overprescribed. My plan was to take extra garlic if I needed to, but to give my immune system a chance first. We grow a lot of garlic and four cloves is equal to a dose of penicillin. ( the Allicin in garlic is an antibiotic) I wasnā€™t able to eat for a few days but once I could, our normal household diet contains tons of garlic. (My wife will throw a whole bulb in with our potatoes for dinner)

It still comes on occasion but itā€™s getting more infrequent.

That was my back up plan and @Tejas thats what is recommended. You have five days after infection before you should get on it and todayā€™s day 5/6. Typically I wait till the last minute before going to a doctor. Iā€™ve been a handful of times in thirty years.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I hated being away. I barely managed to take care of the plants since friday so as you can imagine I have some work to catch up on, So I wonā€™t be on here as much as I would like for a little while. Or maybe I will post A bit and hold off on replying to messages til caught up. I have fifty messages to reply to.


The good news is I have three Old Silversides plants. Stem resin just as thick as I remember.
Iā€™ll get some pictures.
The 71 Panama Red are looking very nice, and iā€™m going to pollinate tonight. @GREANDAL Your plants are looking beautiful And I started cracking up when I saw that picture from the kill bill movies. Good onešŸ˜. You mentioned a while back about the short plants and the tall plants. And I thought it was just age, but upon transplanting into the bigger pots, it didnā€™t make a difference. I think panama red is a hybrid, and it explains the short phenotypes and the tall phenotypes. The good news is I think it always was a hybrid. Even in 71. The smell is Absolutely uniform all across the board every female. This is definitely not a modern hybrid and it does not smell like snowhigh panama red. I had feared it could be a reproduction of double Panama. It isnā€™t. This seems stable too. Iā€™d have to grow another couple generations and see if anything changes but for now, thatā€™s what iā€™m thinking. The smell is delicious and the resin is great. I couldnā€™t tell you what was used with the lowland panama to make panama red, but it was something shorter, perhaps coming thru the canal. @MAHAKALA I think you are right.
I think there is a pure panama( lowland Colombian) and the only one in existence that I know of is the 74 red cross panama. But imo this is the one I have been looking for, and the one the hippies remember. The legendary Panama Red.
I think I finally found it! Iā€™ll get some pictures for you guys. Easy growers. I have no idea what week flowering I am at right now, but they are getting juicyšŸ˜


@Upstate , I have issues just about everytime I get bite , my liver is pretty shot I donā€™t have insurance itā€™s borderline psurosis (I probably spelled that wrong) here recently I got bite by a ā€œnot usualā€ looking tick it was real dark with a bunch of white spots and as long as I catch them early itā€™s not so bad but I missed this one overnight at least when I got up the next day I felt like I got hit by a train muscles weak joints stiff and hurting so I took my morning herbs I do this everyday 2teaspoons ashwaganda, 1 level teaspoon green kratom, and some milk thistle extract caps the medicine is in the seeds they can be cracked and steeped but I got pills and you donā€™t got time to wait but I knew that wasnā€™t going to be enough so I went out to the garden and dug some fresh dandelion root and ate it like a carrot didnā€™t even wash it off just knocked it off real good and chased it with cold coffee :slight_smile: after that it seemed like every hour it got a little easier to just be then the next hour I could move a little better then another hour the hot chills stopped oh and I did another ashwaganda and kratom shot 3 hours after the first and another 4 hours after that :slight_smile: helps push though :slight_smile: good luck bro keep a eye on your hands and feet every morning check them for red spots or lines if you find them a doctor trip is necessary thatā€™s what I do and if thats not enough astrogilis with reishi mushroom tincture on top of all the rest will just about knock out anything:) if it doesnā€™t work let me know because I got to write it down, itā€™ll be the first time:) just saying good luck and God bless


Thanks, this is a first for me too. Iā€™ve never grown landrace sativaā€™s. But im learning.:green_heart:


A couple of THmex. I love the branching on these. Originally from Tom Hill years back and he said it was something special. Kushyman did a repro from just a few seeds.

A couple of Zacatecas that @Hyp3 generously shared with me.

And my new mother of ā€˜93 AllStar from @Som is rooted and thriving. Should be ready for cuttings in the next few weeks.