The endocannabinoid system

This will be a topic for our endocannabinoid system (ECS)

Everyone has an endocannabinoid system and cannabinoid receptors in their bodies. The cb1 receptors are mainly found in your central nervous system and cb2 receptors are found throught your immune system. Our bodies produce endogenous cannabinoids called anandamide and 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). Clinical endocannabinoid deficiency could be the underlying cause to many many diseases and mental health problems. When the cannabinoid receptors in your brain build up plaque over time from being inactive you will develop a problem called Alzheimer’s. This is only one of the many many serious problems that can come from not regulating your ECS. The ECS plays a direct role in homeostasis (it regulates every metabolic process in the body to keep things running properly). We need to regulate our ECS!! make sure to eat cannabis everyday. It is essential. Not only will you feel better but you will prevent many problems that may arise. I make sure to grow fully organic and do coconut oil extractions on my flowers and ill make smoothies with my spare trimmings (that dont get mulched). Cannabis has ESSENTIAL phyto cannabinoids, ESSENTIAL fatty and amino acids, ESSENTIAL omegas, and ESSENTIAL oils and terpenes etc. Spread the word. make posters, tell everyone. We CAN NOT keep this a secret. WE MUST OVERGROW THE WORLD.


“SWEET MOTHER OF GOD I"M ALL OVER THIS” I’ll HEAD TO THE ESCARPMENT HERE WITH MY FOG HORN & LET ANYONE WHO"LL LISTEN KNOW THIS AMAZING FACT" Seriously I Would Do It Too! Honestly. I as my Profile states Have A Sense Of Humor & I’m Canadian “So,There’s THAT” lol. No Joking I Know Your Absolutely Correct as I Too Have Done A wee bit of Research as well eh. I’ve Every Intention Of Eating as Much as I Can However Everyday Could Get Pricey For Me Until I Have My New Light & Tent Up & Running At Least. I’m Quite Interested In Hearing More About The Trimming Gig etc. That Does Sound Tasty to be sure. Anyhooow, Thanx for the Heads Up & Good Job Keeping It Real! Oh, & I Make A Mean Chili Con Cannabis That’ll Get The CBD’s Just A Flowing Eh! LMAO.
" I Wish You The Greenest Of Grows & Heaviest Of Harvest Always"

                                   :four_leaf_clover:  Sincerely: Don D. :four_leaf_clover: 


Great post.

Just wanted to add that 2-arachidonyl glyceryl ether (2-AG) was first isolated from pork brain in 2001 by group led by famous czech scientist Lumir Hanus and his collegues. it was published in Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA 2001; 98(7); 3662-3665. Its name was derived from Hebrew word for nativity. This substance binds to CB1 cannabinoid receptor and raises appeasement, hypothermia, intestinal immobility and antinociception on mouses.

So one of functions of cannabinoids is to reduce pain. Some related endogenous fatty acid derivatives may increase this effect (so called entourage effect).

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Great post dude:) thanks for joining. Dr ethan russo misused the word entourage. Entourage is a tv show and it means a group of people surrounding a famous person. He should of used the word ensemble meaning they all work together as one.

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Great read @lotus710


Excellent subject. Thanks for posting!