Advocating for medical use

I have been around this new OG for awhile now. Maybe a little history about myself…
Years ago in Canada and Alberta to be more specific, we created compassion clubs to provide medical marijuana to those who chose that over all the chemicals being peddled. I sat on the board of directors as a quality control designate. We were a registered not for profit entity. In addition to my own 1200 plant operations, not exactly legal, I ran my own research and development program at my home breeding and catering to specific medical needs. I was busted once before I recieved my health Canada licence to produce at home and then we lost our farm operation. It is interesting that the government was taking gst and income tax payments from our medical operations knowing full well what we were doing.
Today the vast benefits of cannabis as medicine are wiping the board clean. Our plant was put on the planet for a reason and the evidence is no longer anecdotal but scientifically proven.
Never give up my freinds because I have always said," it’s not the size of the dog in the fight but rather the size of the fight in the dog".
In closing my work has resumed and we will continue to refine our chosen medicine for our symptoms.


Nice man! Cool story. I’m an ACMPR holder in Ontario. Nice to meet another Canadian. :v:


Thanks Mongo. I spent three days on global news in March of 2006 getting our story out. We played Russian roulette with our buisness and ultimately we lost due to big pharma care but things have changed many years later. Medical treatment is a choice, ie informed consent, people around the planet should have the ability to choose the medicine that works best for themselves. I love gardening but I also love seeing people heal themselves by there own choices. I was sold in 2002 when I personally watched an MS patient get out of a wheel chair and walk after 15 years of immobility because of a month of brownies we made for him.


I got out 25 years ago because of the paranoia of being busted and am now back 2 years with my ACMPR. Wish I would of stayed but my nerves couldn’t handle the heat so to say. Thanks for the post.


You weathered the storm ol buddy and now you are in a better place. If you are feeling well that’s all that matters. One love one life brother.


Excellent quote. :sunglasses: :dog2:

@ubcchemo, what have you figured out about CBD?

I’m finding it’s very helpful for multiple symptoms but need much bigger doses than the recommended. :blush:



In 2006, which was the year 3 of us got busted, our club had just gained access to proper scientific testing. CBD was somewhat new and its potential for treating ailments was just becoming more clear.
Many of the top breeders spent years breeding CBD out in favour of high THC and a better buzz. My ubcchemo cut tested at 28 percent thc and 3 percent CBD in 06 and that was the authentic university cut.
The government and med industry are holding CBD close to their chests because its medical use is vast in application and they[sic] want control of it.
There are now some strains,as I understand, boasting equivalent CBD/THC levels but how these levels are quantified is unclear to the end user.
Breeders now have access to GC/MS testing which simplifies selection of breeding stock but my humble opinion big pharma will Apply for patents preventing mom and pop operations from getting it out at a reasonable price.
In 06 my white widdow, Oregon purple thai, and ubc chemo were the choice of med users in my area. I obtained these strains as clones so was unable to in breed them.My breeding Male was a beutiful Neville NL 5 and all three of those plants were taken to F 2 state and remain safely stored.
In closing I have used CBD and love it for pain but as you said the dosing is variable from one patient to another and it is quite expensive.
Sorry for the ramble on.