Most Underrated Cannabinoid

Preliminary research suggests that CBGA—the chemical precursor of all other cannabinoids—not only holds value in treating diabetes and in treating epilepsy possibly even better than CBD, it’s also anti-inflammatory, enhances cognitive function, helps alleviate stress, anxiety and depression, but also aids in getting better sleep.

This suggests that CBGa may be the most slept-on cannabinoid, and looks to have potential to address a incredibly wide range of human needs. Taking this information in hand with the benefits of other cannabinoids, it’s wild to imagine that one plant could contain so much therapeutic potential, that it could contain so many chemicals of human value.

Anyway, I hope this information is found to be valuable by my fellow weed people in this chill, informative and generous place known as OG. I hope my weed geekery is of use to you, and either way, here is an article from which I derived a good slice of the above information. Cheers :palm_tree:





Haha I just found an ancient purple nugget from who knows where and suddenly blasted off into exploration mode. Also found this info from SC Labs:

The Most Common Cannabinoids

A Resource on Common Terpenes


Didn’t see any references on that page, how do we know they are correct?

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It’s almost like the plant was genetically engineered by a superior culture before the younger dryas impact event. Along with probably most of our food crops, all of which contain fused chromosomes, just like most domesticated animals do too… Makes ya wonder.


CBG is very interesting, I made a post about it many years ago on a different site, it is gone now so I don’t have the info. :worried:


I enjoy strains high in CBQ


Too much CBG/CBGA makes me feel sick. It does seem to have strong antiinflammatory/antipain effect though. I would say that CBG is appropriately underrated, maybe unfortunately underutilized. :face_with_monocle:


Probably a Ripley’s situation.

Either way, SC Labs is very legit, and I’m certain that there are many opaque scientific studies out there to be found.

Would share more of those but can be pretty messy and often require university-based access credentials :expressionless:


Are you able to share the DOI’s?

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Here are a few dense resources on CBG, noticed you mentioned it above:

The last resource is a selection of articles involving CBG. Can be nice to skim through the headlines before diving in, many different claims being made.


CBG may be responsable for the muchies… :thinking:

from the first article.
CBG has also been shown to increase feeding in rats

very few Cannabis strains actually harbor large concentrations of CBG

It has been shown to relieve intraocular pressure, which is potentially useful in the treatment of glaucoma.

Hold on to your pants folks this may be too much for some to take but here goes…
it can functionally antagonize the CB1 effects of THC.
That was a direct quote from the science paper, don’t shoot the messenger…LOL

CBG is great for the skin, it acts a bit like sunscreen.

Older work supports gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) uptake inhibition greater than THC or CBD that could suggest muscle relaxant properties


You must not have heard…
The federal government and governments around the world have deemed cannabis to have no valid medical uses.
You do trust your government with your health don’t you?
Get with the times buddy. :rofl:


Glad you bring that up. People really followed that Harry J. Anslinger guy. And sad that they prosecuted cannabis as a proxy means of persecuting its users

Medicine has mixed incentives which is super problematic, one of the reasons it’s hard to trust any institution with my health. Which is problematic in its own way

Either way, it’s dope that cannabis is so valuable. I look forward to it being vindicated in the eyes of an aggressive government and clueless society


I’m growing a few CBG fem strains from Hoku at the moment, I just sent this big OC V2 to my partner’s Mom’s for her to grow, this is pure CBG from Bernabeo hemp lineage. Then I have some Rhinestone Villain and Villain OG that need to get stripped and flipped yesterday, those are a THCV/CBG/CBD/THC and then a THCV/CBG/CBD. Really interested to try all of them and see the effects, she’s been enjoying 1:1:1 THC:CBD:CBG gummies from the dispensary near me so hopefully this gets her (and me) plenty of pure CBG bud to blend into other stuff in the fall:


If this was actually true, they wouldn’t be telling you that.

Name one animal abuser that gets rights to opening up a pet rescue.

That’s what we’re doing, handing power straight back to our jailers.

My opinion, The most underrated cannibinoid is thc.

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