The Garden of Weeden

I’m very impressed with my rabbit rasins, I just go with my soil, and a little flower girl soup at the end- It seems like the plants are all thriving. and thru all stages. Speaking of plants, I could use some seeds, if anyone is feeling particularly generous, I m looking for some indica dominant autoflower seeds- growing some for a friend who has pain managment needs, suggestions are welcome.


So- I’m having some light issues-- maybe it’s the controller? Hard to figure it out, cant seem to get my lights working without the controller either- It’s a really weird scenario. BTW- does anyone actually use the IR/UV switch? If so, how?

So today I ordered a budget friendly light:

Chunky pineapple/rain

Another pineapple rain, colorfully and sweet smelling


You’ve inspired me to want to go back and grow those again sooner! Thank you :green_heart::seedling:


I think that colorfull little lady is done, BTW- these are great for a stealth grow, they do not stink out the whole tent-- it’s really only when you get into them and disturb them that the odor comes out… A friend confirmed he smells pinapple after grinding- good smoke. :laughing:


Here we are featuring, what I consider an exceptional plant. The best " pineapple rain" specimen I have grown. Credit to @RainToday
She was grown in a 2 gallon airpot. And she’s finishing very slow. Here she be…

And that’s not even the main cola. Buds are solid, thick, and seem very dense, the nose is sweet and fruity now, very inviting, it’s a one liter bottle


Awesome! Turned out gorgeous. Super impressed with the size, you did a great grow job with her! She looks pretty done to me :slight_smile: are you waiting on trichome color?

She won’t quit making fresh pistils until far past optimum harvest time, I would cut now because I see a foxtailing has started, and the very small leaves have gone yellow and after that happens they tend to rot on me and ruin my buds. :v::green_heart:

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Wow, good to know. I will check her again today… but she seems very green underneath yet… But I did notice her water use has dropped… she was still full of shine a few days ago…not even cloudy on the trichs. Smells great, but only when you touch her.

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Yeah, trichome color is certainly something to wait for. This family of autoflowers tends to stay green and keep making pistils throughout. I’ve even gotten some that I cut back to stubby limbs throw out a whole new branch with nice buds. They don’t have a strong “time to die” urge :laughing:

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Good eye Rain!-- I chopped her this morning- the first thing I noticed was how heavy that little plant was!- The trics were perfect- maybe 20-25% amber, the rest white, very little of that clear sparkle - if any at all. Smell is there, but you still gotta get close or disturb the buds- then it hits you, sweet and inviting.