The growbase app

So I found this community through Growbase app. Is this forum linked to the app or just affiliated in some way? I was wondering because I needed to know if there was a way to link the grow updates from the app straight to the Diaries section here in the forum.


I doubt it, I wouldn’t want 3rd party apps to have such control over OG personally.


My bad. I was thinking maybe the app was developed by Overgrow or something :grin:

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Never even heard of it til you mentioned it in another thread. AFAIK absolutely zero relation, but nice of them to link to us. @LemonadeJoe might want to be aware of that fact though.

Yeah definitely. Sounds strange now lol

How did the app point you here?

The pic is a screenshot of the app. At the bottom there are several buttons that go to different screens. The little “message bubble” takes you directly to the forum screen that you see in the pic.

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It’s almost like it’s part of the app, which is what I initially thought.

Seems like they are pretending this is their forum or content, weird.

It must do some kind of Google searches to build lists, interesting.

Now I’m getting paranoid lol. I sent a message with the support email that is provided. The email does not exist because it failed to send.


Is this the result of dubious humans or…



I knew it.

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