The Honeymoon hump box, making the babies (build)

After building a veg box, quickly ran out of space, need somewhere to make crosses and seed stock.

So here goes, the honeymoon hump box. The plan is to stick in select cuttings at 12/12, one gets the CS treatment, there they can become tiny ladies and get splooged in style.

Couldn’t find an appropriate sized wooden box, got an Ikea shelf/door insert instead.
Still not sure how I am going to get an air and light proof door.

Made some hot melt glue/cardboard ducting. There will be carbon filtering, probably get some fabric meant for kitchen extractors and cut it to size.

Lots of hot melt glue in the seams, bit of waterproofing so spills don’t get sucked in.
2 coats of white oil paint to get more water resistance and light reflection.

Waiting for the last paint coat to dry and then, umm, light fixture build I think, stay tuned.


Definitely going to be cool!!

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The live build continues.

After chopping up a man sized piece of aluminum profile, here is the results.
A dab of epoxy and pop rivets make a decently solid frame.

1.5m of 12W/m LED strip, so ~18W.

Next, soldering them together and power on test.



Let there be light.

6-7000lux, should do something.


Love it if this Box is rokin don’t cuma knockin


Nice construction & excellent choice of fans too!

I was thinking of using open cell weatherstripping foam. Some of the euro hinges (for kitchen cabinets) have multiple degrees of adjustment. I figured that feature (with a good catch) would compensate enough to get a reasonable light seal.
I’m still in the planning stage so no practical experience yet.




@potdaddy4x4, Hells yea
@nefrella , thanks, imma do my best
@Gpaw , Noctua FTW. I skipped hinges, they make things so complicated.

Magneto powers activate.


Yup!! That’ll work just fine!

Great stealth too! :+1: :sunglasses:



Very nicey done my man.
Love the stealth look.

Was thinking about something like this myself to house a mother after building my big box. Will definitely look to you for inspiration.


That is so cool!!! :v::peace_symbol::green_heart::us_outlying_islands:

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Grand premier.

Will do some vegging on these for the time being, strong moms first , then some sexy time with cuts.

Those magnets really pull, after a few minutes, when the rubber strips flatten its really locked in.
Going to need some pull tabs or a bigger handle, the knob is not enough.
Adds to stealth, no way to accidentally open it. Guaranteed air and light proofed.


Just curious… if the door is sealed, wheres the intake? I see your light trap/ comp fan exhaust, but can’t see any intake.

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Second picture from the top you can see a filter glued to the back, that is covered by the cardboard, opening points downwards and isn’t directly visible from the front.

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Ah ok, that makes sense. Pretty cool little getup you have there. Puts some thoughts in my head. Since everything keeps aligning to keep me from starting a full grow, maybe I can just make a little mini box to get some herb growing and mitigate the costs a bit. Wife demands full stealth, but is slacking a bit in that now that we no longer have others living with us. Now it’s just cost prohibitive to get the full plans going.

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Its a great start, if you haven’t checked the main box that just underneath, perhaps a similar setup would be just the thing. Make a larger footprint for main flower and you might be able to cover your needs.
Considering adding a second box to have as a filtered drying box.
IKEA kallax for the shelving, cheapest there is, and the insert for same.

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I’ll check it out.

The plan, if I ever have the $4-500 to put it all together is a 2x2 plywood box with DIY Bridgelux strips and an infinity cloudline fan. Last I priced it out, it was about 3-400. The other 100+ is just for soil (super soil mix ReikoX gave me) and such. Thinking about adjusting my plan to run hydro instead and might be able to get the supplies lower, both in the short run and the long. The fan is pretty much non negotiable though as it will be in the bedroom with the wife and I, and good carbon scrubbing is a must because of being in a prohibition state. If I had somewhere where I didn’t have to worry about the smell and sound it would already be going lol

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