"Michka" (Sensi Seeds) in the JungleWoofer (mini stealth speaker box..) -READY-


Here is the “JungleWoofer” in action again… this time with the sativa rich hybrid Michka from Sensi Seeds.


30w 4500K worklight-COB.

DIY carbon filter in the top behind a metal grill + the fluffy white material that can be seen. 9cm Noctua computer fan for AC + 2x 7cm computer fans for swishing around the air inside the growspace…

The whole inside space dimensions (in metric) : 25 (d) x 31,5 (w) x 48 (h) cm.

BioBizz Grow, Bloom, Alg-a-mic & Top-Max.

Vegetative period: 5 weeks.
Flowering period: 10 weeks. (according to the seed label it should have been 12-13 weeks, but this pheno didn’t seem very sativa so maybe it was that…)

-I’ll just let the pictures do the rest of the speaking… if any questions I’ll be glad to try and answer. :slight_smile:

-First a few zoom-pics:

-The slightly pre-germinated seed was sown 1cm below the soil surface (well, actually a handful of coco coir in the middle, where the seed is, so it’s not too “spicy”…), and on top of that is a cut piece of white polypropylene “garden fleece” textile, that breathes but still keeps the moisture constant underneath, around the seed…

-Signs on the leaves that the plant has been a bit too close to the light…

-First topping…!

-Next week again.

-Topping also the side branches to keep them small…
(the plan was to leave a healthy undergrowth with buds and all, to be able to re-vegetate the plant after harvest. But plans changed and I didn’t do that anyway…)

So the LST begins…!

-Did stretch a bit that first week in flower…!

-Decided to top all those 4 main branches again, so that the plant would stay more compact with double the amount of small tops at a more equal horizontal level, rather than 4 big tall tops…

-First signs of preflowers! :face_with_monocle: :+1:

-Needed some defoliating…

-Trichomes starting to show! :hugs:

-Cut away some surplus shaded tops…

-More LST bending. The goal is a square shape of 9 main tops… (one branch developed 3 roughly equal size tops…)

-That undergrowth… quite crystally popcorn buds, even if they were partially shaded and all the way down there… :+1: :zap:

-This was the largest bud. No idea of weight, but maybe 2-3g dry…? Anyway, 8 more similar main-tops, plus the popcornbud-jungle underneath. That’s ok for me, my weed needs are not very big. Should last til next time. :snowflake:

If I had vegetated a week more after I topped down the 4 big branches… then the yield would have been a lot more. But, first time I grew Michka, so I didn’t know how much it would stretch in flowering, and this pheno was also quite fast flowering, so I misjudged a bit… :thinking: But next time I grow Michka it will probably go a bit better!

-Lights off for the last 24h… then harvest and hang to dry.


Very cool stealth grow!! :+1:

Looking at your build and considering the interesting things folks have been doing with DIY LEDs

I see the possibility of gaining 4cm of height and increasing intensity (if needed)
The short strips are 280mm so they should fit.

How well did that carbon filter perform for you?


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@momo420 nice and stealthy grow, well done :clap::clap:!

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Some more final pics…



-And upside down… :+1:
Dried for 5 days, became almost brittle dry, and is now in small jars. Checking in a day or two if there still is some surplus humidity inside the stems. But I don’t think there will be, as it was quite airy sativa-like bud.



Really clean work, my friend. You’re going to give other micro growers here a run for their money.

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Are you using straight clay balls as your grow medium?

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No, it’s just a one inch layer of clay balls to properly cover up the soil in the pot. I used a quite high quality organic compost labeled as for tomato- and chiliplants… and then added 1/10 worm castings + 1/10 biochar… and then used the BioBizz liquid nutrients. I overfed a bit at one point, as can be seen from the “burned” edges on lots of the leaves.

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Well done stealth cabinet grow!!!

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Hi Gpaw and thanks! Yes those DIY ledstrips look very interesting, thanks! It would indeed have better performance, and run cooler and also take less space, and I will dig into that next time I build. But I also wanted to show to folks how to fix together such a speaker box as simply as possibly, and only with stuff from regular hardware stores. I don’t have any raspberry pie or arduino system in the box either, even if that would be very cool and useful, but that’s beyond my present skills anyway, so not for now at least. The whole speaker is very old school with a separate mechanical timer, and also mechanical fan-speed controls right on the power adapters. I like it when there is as little automation and computery as possible in grows.

The carbon filter did work. There is over an inch deep of carbon mini-pellets in that wide metal cage behind the white fluffy filter material. The tiny amount of smell coming out into the room this grow was I think because of the little amount of air that the hanging fans were pushing in under the inner floor and out through the intake hole. I painted the growspace with the white high quality acrylic furniture paint many times very carefully, and triple-checked for any cracks or tiny holes anywhere inside the box… and it seems solid enough. And the door cracks are also quite tight, so that’s why I mostly suspect the floor intake hole. The ac out fan (Noctua, grrreat quality fans!) moves the air out through the carbon filter very efficiently… I had it going on 6v the whole time, and it goes up to 12v. Temps in the growspace were all the time max 30-31c at highest canopy, in nights 21. In summertime I will likely have to crank it up to 9v.

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Very nice microgrow, thanks for sharing!