The Monster Mash

@BU2B lovin those awesome OG AI Pictures! Plant’s looking good.

I had a vision… 2 pounds, final guess. :sunglasses: Have a great day.


The Monster Mash

Two weeks To go, Terrific Tuesday Toss-out
The first person to DM/PM me with the correct number from 0 To 9 will win THIS Monster Mash throw pillow cover.
Front Sample -

Back -

Actual Front -


AND THE WINNER IS - @SHSC-1 !!! Congratulations!


that is too cool!
on the first guess even

thanks so much!!! I have the perfect place for that hehehe


Nice win @SHSC-1
Cool prize too @BU2B
I love the ziploc bag idea too. :slightly_smiling_face:


Ugh, getting busy at work bro. And missing out on the fun! Sweet pillow cover. Nice win @SHSC-1 :+1:
Damn, two weeks left already?!? Better get them guesses in! :crazy_face:
Lookin beautiful as always.


Congrats @SHSC-1 !!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


11 May 2023

Since it is Throwback Thursday I’m gonna throw out a few thoughts (which you’re free to throw back or out) now before the final curtain in just about two weeks;

Put on you’re reading glasses… this could go for a bit :wink:

First of all Thank You! All of you, any of you and each of you who have followed along The Monster Mash. I’ve enjoyed the company and comments as well as the help and suggestions. It’s been kind of a well, normal life kinda ride, eh? Up, down and all over the place. Just like the proverbial box of chocolates that Forests’ momma talks about, I have truly never known what I was gonna get. I think I’m gonna start labeling things from here on out though (just for the record - lol). I have had a great time over-all and I truly hope that any information offered is helpful to someone in some respect. On the other side of the coin I did kill a plant, get two hermies, have one seed not make it and for a growing record that is far from stellar. I also upset some people I never intended to upset and learned a few things; not only about people in general but about growing in the future that will always be more than helpful. I’m still standing my ground on the genetics front and in spite of what some have said I am NO ONES puppet and have a tendency to use my brain for something more than holding my ears apart. I am always more than happy to be ‘proven’ wrong and not just out-talked; one of these WILL change my opinion and by consequence my beliefs based on that opinion.

My suggestions (not advice) are to Stay away from The Sad Cafe it’s called that for a reason. It’s not always easy but try your best to avoid people and situations that you KNOW or discover do nothing good for you or others; let them go. It really is your choice on whether you visit the sad cafe and how long you choose to stay there. I think it’s important to just Work Hard and Be Nice to people, you can still voice your opinion or state your beliefs but try if at all possible, to do it in a way that is gonna be helpful more than hurtful. Or, you really are just better off, and so is everyone else; if you just keep your opinion to yourself. Stating a fact; that’s another can of worms in its self.

I really don’t buy the gloom and doom dark dystopian future scenario. The future is in OUR hands and how it shapes up will be OUR doing whether we choose to get involved or not. As long as there’s a breath in my lungs and a thought in my head I will always keep Dreaming On A World …, I wish the same for each of you. It isn’t always sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everywhere; but they are there.
If there is anything I have learned in 65 years its that most people really are good at heart but are just human and as such make mistakes, aren’t perfect, but will always be fine in my book as long as they are honest enough to be honest (both with themselves and others) and are doing the best they know to do at the time.

It REALLY has been a pleasure being OG with you! :v:


The Monster Mash
11/12 May 2023

Warts, Freckles, Blemishes and Burnt tips -


Still looking amazing bud. Let’s get some close ups! Right guys?
Damn, did I miss a week again…? :joy:


Here’s a shot of Frankie


:speaking_head: @blowdout2269 your wish is my command. :rofl:
Plants A and B with the foldover(™) perfected by @Going2fast :sunglasses:

If you recall back on January 30th of last year (edit : okay so maybe it FEELS like a year ROTFLMFAO) - I made the following post and prediction for the grow
Actual as of today …

With less than two weeks to go - How do YOU think we fared?


what wonderful ladies you have grown!! itś so much fun everyday to check OG for new updates!!!


I’d say they look pretty friggin’ good!


Dayyummm, I think we’ve faired well my friend.
I actually having a case of dejavu here. :joy:
Love the fold over shots! :wink:


The Monster Mash
12 May 2023 -10 days till harvest



Great job on spreading and levelling the canopy… :+1:
There are some serious cola counts there… :partying_face:



I have got to try your training routine this season… incredible work as always @BU2B