The Monster Mash

Beautiful plants and similar structure and seen to be the same amazing structure in all of your previous grows pics :thinking: maybe you are on to something? Lol I love it!


Reminder time … AGAIN :laughing:

Remember me posting info about NAFLD? By my estimate there are somewhere between 9 and 20 people who are currently following this thread. Why is this important? It means that at least TWO of you and up to SEVEN of you who follow this thread ALREADY HAVE FATTY LIVER DISEASE and don’t know it yet!!!
Look after yourselves! WE NEED YOU! YOUR FAMILY NEEDS YOU! You don’t want to be in this boat with me. PLEASE be proactive! 🫶🏽


Thanks for the awareness and methods for avoiding nafld. You standing and shouting from the roof tops says a lot about your character. Your willingness to help and warn others who are not aware of this disease that you don’t know. You are a true OG!


Preach brother. Thank you for calling attention to where it is needed. Hoping this day and those that follow are easy for you.


my wife has this medical issue… I wish she would take it seriously.
They keep telling me everything is good when I get my blood work and other exams that are good to get done after you turn 50. My pelvis and back are toast but otherwise…

The plants look awesome and though I don’t post a lot, I have spent quite a bit of time now going over the PDF file you shared. I too am going to try this when I fire back up in the fall.
I do have some seedlings that are probably the right age so ya never know, I might attempt it in greenhouse. We’ll see


@SHSC-1 Have your wife read this.

NAFLD is NOT something that is regularly checked for. However this is the next big explosion waiting to happen. Nearly 30% of Americans and up to 40% of Canadians currently have NAFLD and are not aware of it. It will progress to cirrhosis if left on its own.

Not that I don’t think It’s important - but that’s my last sermon; I promise. Now is not really the time or place but it is important that you are aware of the situation and possible ramifications for your current and future health. :v:


Coming up this week on The Monster Mash …


haha! love it :rofl:


As we prepare for the final week for the grow, here’s the plan;

  • Remove the net
  • Give the girls one final splay out as much as possible
  • Cut down on nutes by half
  • Increase dark hours to 13+ to hasten finishing
  • I am foregoing another spray of Switch. There is only 1 week left, Not enough time for seeds to develop :crossed_fingers: and I’m not unhappy with what I’m seeing (any male flowers still in existence sure didn’t damage the aroma any :wink: )
  • Remove any and all leaves that have grown out of branches and buds that have stems -
    EFFECTIVELY Lollipopping the plants which will serve several purposes
  • Make trim and clean up MUCH quicker with ONLY sugar-leaves and buds
  • Allow as much air flow and light into and around buds for their final week
  • Give all of you a much better idea of what your FINAL estimate should be starting on Tuesday (May 16th until harvest)

Photo updates AND the promised FRANK IN SPACE compiled commemorative Monster Mash visual novel (complete with additional grow photo’s, more @Heliosphear favorites and in a 150dpi print worthy PDF format) also coming up this week :v:


Besides that I not post frequently, I follow the thread. And yes, I think I have the fatty liver problem.
Now I am under a regime (don’t know how it is said in english). Food control, is what I mean…more or less.
Perhaps because I am not a kid, but I see myself as one :rofl: , my latest analyses results scary me some, so… Better take care.

Thanks for the info!


i am on a low carb diet as i also have nafld. had a biopsy done few years ago. just need to lose that pesky visceral fat !

back to the plants. wow. more colas than a pop factory! one week left coming up. and i think you might have the nicest canopy i have seen in awhile my friend.


What? Late to the game. I’ll just skip the book and read the crib notes. Stellar grow as always bud. 24.7oz.


The Monster Mash
Guesstimating Material - Part One - Final Week
14 May 2023


in one word… Glorious!!!
total bushes of bud… very nice

so this guess will be the last one ?
or does the guesses reset on tuesday for the final week?
I have not really paid attention or gone back to look for previous harvests although I do get the generalization of an expected result when you grow this method.
I’ll DM you my next guess hehehe :wink:


New Week of Estimates starts on Tuesday 16 May. Estimated date of Harvest ONE WEEK from the 16th on Monday/Tuesday 22/23 of May [18 weeks from Heads Up to Harvest]

Estimates must be made by PM/DM to be valid - we don’t want everyone else feeding off your guess, but instead estimating on the actual images.

Sooo… to make a long story even longer

  • You have today and tomorrow for the penultimate estimate
  • Final estimates will be for the week 16 May - 22/23 May
  • ONLY estimates by PM/DM are valid

I plan to be On The Road Again starting 28 of May. MONSTER MASHING of LIVE Rosin is still in the game plan :wink: Prizes for winning estimates - First and Second Place will be announced prior to the 28th and prize packages will be distributed to winners within 10 days of the close of the Monster Mash thread on the 28th.


  • Monster Mash - Monster Sesh RAW rolling tray (large)
  • Commemorative OG custom poster 2023 OG Server Fundraiser featuring @Rhai88 ACGC Sponsor
  • HIGH from Albuquerque mug
  • Several OG Cannabis Cultivation Network stickers of varying sizes
  • Greenhouse for America sticker
  • Leaf and Mile 420 stickers
  • Exclusive - one run only - OverGrow 420 day at the races ENTRY sticker 2023 Edition
  • Possible bean bonuses


  • Monster Mash - Monster Sesh RAW rolling tray (large)
  • Commemorative OG custom poster 2023 OG Server Fundraiser featuring @Rhai88 ACGC Sponsor
  • HIGH from Albuquerque mug
  • OG Cannabis Cultivation Network sticker
  • Greenhouse for America sticker

Ramen (2022_08_01 10_59_21 UTC)
Best Wishes on your last One or Two estimates :v:


Thanks OG!

Nobody knows how to say goodbye
Seems so easy 'til you try
Then the moments passed you by
Nobody knows how to say goodbye

Love is deep as the road is long
It moves my feet to carry on
Beats my heart when you are gone
Love is deep as the road is long

Nobody knows how the story ends
Live the day, do what you can
This is only where it begins
Nobody knows how the story ends
Nobody knows how the story ends

1 Like

oh boy… and who’d of thunk it… the 28th is my birthday!!!
hmmmmm, I gotta go burn one with my favorite forest creature for some luck :wink:


Very nice man! Pretty bad ass rolling trays!

Fellow Gemini! I’m the 29th!


That’s a purrty nice prize grabs for watching an amazing grow thanks! @BU2B