The Monster Mash

Love the eyeballsOG_017


The Monster Mash
8 May 2023
Mundane Monday - Nothin but Net

As you can see the trellis net has been installed. The Switch spray should be in before the end of the day and the girls have been given a finishing dose of blackstrap to help fill and fatten out buds. It won’t be long now …
Today is the last day for entries in the Guess the Weight game for this week. The final two entries for the final two weeks starts tomorrow :v:


Looking good @BU2B BU but qu’est-ce que c’est? Switch spray?


@shag told me about this → The Monster Mash - #731 by shag
So I ordered some Switch foliar spray to try and negate as much of “the hermie effect” as possible. It is an ethylene spray is what it is - not sure if it will make a difference this late in the game but it’s worth a shot. No harm, no foul. :crazy_face::v:


It will not kill any seeds that have already been fertilized but it will prevent any more from being fertilized.
It will make the bananas wither and die.
So if no bananas opened up yet, you may still get seedless.
Or you will get less seeds.
Now I wonder with the spray have an effect on seed sex? :thinking:


I know you are busy and have health related appointments wether your own or spreading info I hope we will still see you lurking in og even if not journaling


Looking great! How hard was it to get all those swelling buds through that net? I would have wound up breaking half of them. :joy: That’s a bunch of beautiful buds!

This one was calling my name. Nice work! :grin::green_heart:


The Monster Mash
8 May 2023

‘The Plan! The Plan!’
The Optic Switch Foliar Spray is in … but guess what you’re supposed to have a Transport/Wetting solution to mix with it. I guess it pays to pay attention before you jump in the pool, but things being what they are - I’m going ahead with some slight modification. @shag if you’re about I would appreciate your input if/when you get the time.
I am happy to report THIS:

(ooh… they’ve got some big grow ops in Delta - just outside Vancouver, BC :wink: )
In my research I also came across this: Tips for improving the efficacy of ethephon PGR spray applications - MSU Extension
along with suggestions to lower the pH to between 4-5 (4.5) even though the Switch spray says not to. It appears the Transport or wetting agent does have a low pH and mixing the foliar spray with the transport is basically doing the same thing - lowering the pH to between 4 and 5. As I have NO wetting agent/Transport; which as far as I can tell is an advanced surfactant I will be lowering the pH of the spray solution to 4.5 and using a drop of aloe to mix with filtered water and spraying 3 times in the next 10 days with an ambient air temp of between 56 and 73 degrees F. :crossed_fingers:
Lights come on in few hours

Update: 6:15 pm local time -
The Switch spray was mixed as follows

  • 250ml Switch spray (pH’d out of the bottle at 2.5)
  • 50ml filtered water
  • 2 ml aloe
  • pH up to 4.5
    Spray was shaken for several minutes and then administered with an ambient air room temp of 70 degrees F at the finest mist possible starting from the bottom of each plant and working upwards. Leaves were allowed to dry and the spray was administered 3 times over the course of 30 minutes. The process will be repeated one more time one week from today on May 15th. Harvest date tentatively set for May 22nd.

They’re all great

Amazing work


Coming up in about 2.5 weeks …

A new week of the :trophy: Guess the Weight :trophy: game starts today


Any type of surfactant will work here in a pinch, a bit of soap, some yucca etc.
The aloe should be good enough but there are better choices.

The SDS seems to indicate they still use ETH in switch.
I forgot to mention it is important to PH to 4 ish.
If possible avoid spraying the leaves, it will make em senescence/die quicker than normal not a big deal if you do spray them.

Keep in mind that where you spray the plant matters, like in a tent other plants will be effected by the ETH gas.
It should not hurt them but may make the plants finish faster.


Sorry to be in the middle… but curiosity kill the cat… :rofl:

What is the Switch spray for?


Got me intrigued


To kill of the male sex organs…
@Piter Gonna spray some on you next if you keep yappin’ :astonished:

On a serious note I hope you are getting around better today brother. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Much love


Oh, I almost forgot…
Use some glutamic acid, if I had to guess it is the secret to Transport.
The glutamic acid will help what ever is in the foliar spray absorb into the plant better.
For more info on glutamic acid AKA MSG check out this thread.


Well, this is a cool idea. As The bringer of balls is my informal title due to my luck or lack thereof with male plants, :rofl: I am even more intrigued…


Yes, here is sunny this days, the raise in temps helped my back.

Don’t waste it, mines are succumbing to the age and the gravity force…no need to accelerate the inevitable . :rofl:
As my couple says to me: “Your balls don’t hang, your balls drag” :rofl: :rofl:


@shag thanks for you’re help and advice - Much appreciated! :+1:t3:


Delta , near Vancouver BC that you mention a few posts back… that was my stompin grounds as a kid thru to my highschool years. NDSS class of 87 :wink: