The Monster Mash

I forget…is this like The Price is Right?
Closest without going over or what? :rofl:

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Yeah… that’s pretty much it :wink:


Now I wonder if someone has guessed the number one? :thinking:

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Too good not to re-post


The Monster Mash
Guesstimating Material - Part Two - Final Week
14 May 2023


a few words about weight and drying time.
I’ve had a few comments about 5 days being really FAST for drying time. as I mentioned earlier; it is!
Welcome to the desert southwest on a plateau at the start of summer in an old airy home with evaporative cooling and precious little if any humidity control. Over time I have found that living where I do, as I do, in the conditions I do with the growing conditions I have that two to three days at 16 to 24% RH is enough for trimmed buds to be removed from branches. An additional two to three days on a drying rack or in paper sacks in a closed tent will usually be enough to remove moisture to within a few grams per plant of final cure weight (in an additional 4 weeks).

Ideally the best way to estimate weight that I’ve found is to do the following:

  • On harvest day remove and weigh ONE average branch from each plant you have grown.
  • Make note of the weight, girth, density and how much actual bud (in length) is on each branch. Use this as your standard. Each branch you remove from that point onward during harvest use your standard to judge a branches weight.
  • Multiply your ‘standard’ branch by the number of ‘branches’ harvested from your plant (meaning whatever it takes to equal 1 standard branch NOT actual number of branches removed). If it takes 2 branches to equal your one ‘standard’ branch in girth, density and bud packet length that’s just the way it is.
  • Multiply your estimated weight (see above) by .35 This number is going to be VERY close to your ACTUAL harvest yield in weight. For a quick cursory check I use the following - 6-8 inches of flower per branch will yield ABOUT 26 grams dried AND cured per every two branches.
    [Quick Estimate] branches divided by two = roughly number of oz’s
    [Best Estimate] standard branch method x branches x .350

I have not found that additional curing time IF the buds are truly dry enough to cure will actually diminish the weight by any significant amount. Additional drying and crisping of buds - yeah, that will DRAMATICALLY reduce harvest weight and adding it back in will not improve curing.

Next Monday or Tuesday we’re gonna use both methods and judge the results by the actual weight on the 27th or 28th :v:


Oh, now I think you’re helping us along!
Do our guesses suck that bad? Lmao


Some of our guesses are pretty close I reckon.
I think the key word here is our ROTFLMFAO :joy::rofl::wink::v:


well now i feel like im way off ! lol

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I am thinking somebody’s gonna get it right on the money. :+1:t3:


Damn, how would that be!

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My unofficial,non-entry guesstimate, 857 grams!

Cool thread,have enjoyed following along :sunglasses:

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Thanks for the officially un-official entry (IF it were official - i think it would be pretty darn close IMHO) :v:


Well,hell…in that case,i’ll send you a Pm to make it officially official!

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A few minutes early … but here goes the clock

Final Entries Begin Today! :v:


The Monster Mash
16 May 2023

As promised here is The COMPLETE ‘Frank in Space’ Graphic Novel by @Heliosphear
PLEASE NOTE this is a ‘large-ish’ file 41.9mb @300dpi suitable for printing with front and back cover-guard splash sheets. The file has been Virus Checked and will remain active here on this thread for as long as I’m still here and paying the bill :wink:


Have you ever heard the phrase “YOU KNOW IT’S GOOD SHIT IF YOU FEEL THE FIRST HIT” ?

Guess what, I just smoked a bowl of all the fallen buds to date - The above saying FITS FD!
I am a happy camper :cupid: :heart_eyes: (and kind of impressed)

As of now (16.05) humidity on harvest date(s) are forecast at between 16-22% RH


@BU2B Downloaded Graphic novel… really impressed! Thank you for all your hard work bringing it to life. Excellent work all the way around!


Thanks for being a part of the support crew. The run is almost over folks.