The Pheonix Project

Bloom Haus Update

The Aero Room is just about to finish its first rotation. Unit 4 is coming down shortly. I plan on sneaking another unit into the room to create a continuous production schedule where we plant a unit and cut a unit every other week.

With the additional head space I have started planting larger plants and keeping more branches. We should easily hit our 2 lb target.



Dirt Room – Day 49 Bloom

We have reached peak feed schedule with the plants eating every other day on our organic teas. Foliar sprays of the lower leaves are now done as I am concerned with triggering any bud rot on these beauties.

These are my Christmas trees this year!

Here’s a video update that features a walk UNDER the canopy and sweeping views of this cathedral of buds!

Dec 19 Pheonix Project Update - YouTube

I’m finally able to resurrect my Sherb Cream Pie experiment.

This is the sorry state of our girls 6 months after being rescued. These get to the cloner in the first update here:

Pheno Hunt - 7 Crosses of Sherb Cream Pie -

Happy Holidaze Everyone!

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.
