The Pheonix Project

7/13 Garden Update

Was a year ago yesterday when this happened:

Which led to this:

Here’s the video:

A LOT has happened since this reset button was pushed on my life. We lost our car, 1 cat, our house and all of our belongings. Much of my lab was saved. About half of my equipment and living library were destroyed. ALL of my 30 year old seed collection, including ALL the seeds I have created over the years was incinerated. The seeds I made over the last year were reduced to this puddle of plastic:

Out of these ashes, I have worked every day – with the fantastic help of family and friends – on the Pheonix Project that this thread documents.

And my we have come a long ways! The latest als_weed video on YouTube has over 10,000 views!

You can see it here:

Day 70 Bloom - Giant Organic Trees at the Chop - YouTube


We may have found a special plant in the rubble as well – Angel Cream Pie #1. The Sherb Cream Pie crosses have given us this outstanding plant and a couple more excellent ones.

I am growing out all of the parents and daughters in one unit. I plan on doing weekly updates in the Sherb Cream Cross thread here:

Pheno Hunt - 7 Crosses of Sherb Cream Pie -

I still have a pile of work to do, but I promise to get updates done asap!

Angel Cream Pie has wings indeed, but the hard work in the steps needed to create a fully operational Aero Barn were sloggingly taken every day by our team.

Thanks again to my friends and family that have let this old smoky bird get back in the air. The chance to soar is in our grasp!

Thank you for your attention,
