Theft by postal employees

The USPS is the world’s largest drug mule in existence. Ever in history.

They even announced a few years back they don’t look for weed, they just want you to get your package as quick as possible.

Good people, that work year round rain or shine. In a large organization, all they can do is attempt to limit theft, which is why they tell you to package it better ha.

humans are humans and there will always be thieves. :peace_symbol:


Yep, I would agree. This has happened to me twice now and just recently. I believe these employees get to recognize the address of these seedbank/breeders and are working to steal the packages or envelopes going there.

If you send money in the mail I would highly recommend that you disguise it very well! Like for instance do not just send a flat card or envelope. It doesn’t cost that much more to send it with something like a toy or a boxed childrens puzzle or whatever.

Just some advice.


In 30 years of sending out seed I have never had a send not make it until recently. In the last few months I have had 2 that never showed. And right now I have a few that are going on 3 weeks and haven’t showed yet. Thanks government for shortening the postal force hours and taking away the automatic sorting machines…….


You know, I was just thinking 10 minutes ago, there’s a package of seeds from the US that did not arrive here either. It’s from another OG member, and I live in Europe so long transit could be argues but I did receive another package that was sent weeks later, and that took about 3 or 4 weeks. The package that’s missing was sent out over 2 months ago IIRC.

I was already slightly suspecting a theft but couldn’t yet figure out why my seeds would be stolen now when they always got here in the past. Now I know.