Seeds missing out of envelope

Don’t know what section to put this in
Anyway was to start a test grow today and the envelope arrived with a rip in it,maybe the sorting machine at the post office or a sneaky postman lol

I know my postman for years he don’t smoke

It’s kinda cut strange if it was the sorting machine did it

Rest of the envelope was fine this is after opening and hiding the names :laughing:


that sucks. i know you’re all set, but if you have any interest in some of my “Black Snow” seeds we have a bunch of people growing them, just figured i’d throw you an offer.

Black Snow (black triangle x solo stash)
[Bodhi Seeds x Bodhi Seeds]


Thanks for the offer but this was going to be my last grow for a while they were autos and would of been a quick grow

I did plant a seed tonight I found in the weed my mate gives me,been searching 2 years and found one tonight lol so it’s in tub at the minute,hope it opens


That looks like rips from the rollers. I’ve seen it before but the seeds were still inside.


Bastards! Hope it was just the rollers

Maybe this is just paranoia on my part but the fact that the rips are in perpendicular positions makes me think it was not a roller, which you would think rips things on one side. Unless it was ripped by a roller and then turned and was ripped by a different second roller. I know my mail carrier too I don’t know their name but we’ve said hi to each other many times over the years. She seems very trustworthy. I’ve not had any mail come mangled like that seeds or otherwise. Seems very odd. Also too late now but I would have covered the info with duct tape instead of pen marks. With photoshop someone determined might still be able to read it.

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Yeah it’s a funny shape for a cut I’m thinking the seeds didn’t come in a coin flip with cardboard I tried to see if one would fit through the rip maybe just a coin flip without the cardboard or something smaller lol

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It looks like rollers for sure.

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It looks exactly like the rollers did it! Looks like it got stuck and was manually pulled out.

The other slit was from you opening it at top correct.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Yeah it was unopened at the top just the rip on it


they are wise to the washer thing. i cant get teflon washers thru now, that have nothing to do with weed, but they think there’s seeds in there. wtf??? contacting the post master general if the next envelope gets lifted :wink: people get fired and transfered to siberia when they start getting reported for stealing peoples mail. the post masters office is a suprisingly fast moving and viscious employer. it is a federal offense to tamper with or steal mail, here in the good ol USA.

have someone send you a dummy washer or two, i am going to order more washers for my home repair, let’s see who gets theirs.


thats a hell of asn idea

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I’ve sent seeds in vials that shredded envelopes going through the mail…has happened a few times.

Last week, I had 2 boxes and 4 letters crushed and opened. 3 letters were put in a fresh envelope by the post office to continue shipment.

As i understand, and fedex is experiencing the same - so much work shortage and backpiling of mail that workers have to throw mail all around, quickly, so record amounts of parcels are getting destroyed

There’s definitely thieves in the system, I sent some rare Peruvian seeds to someone last year in the Lacon clamshell and sealed Mylar they came to me in and the envelope arrived with two neat slits in the bubble envelope and Mylar and no Lacon