Things are Looking good! Northern Lights Auto

Running them under a couple of Mars Hydro lights in a 3x3 tent. Keeping it simple, you know?

The ladies are now transitioning into flowering, and the aroma is starting to fill up the space. The anticipation is real – can’t wait for those resinous buds to start packing on some serious weight.

Using Fox Farm Happy Frog soil this time around, and so far, it seems to be working its magic. Just giving them a mix of water and a bit of General Hydroponics Flora trio every few days keeping it easy.

Curious to know if any of you have grown Northern Lights Auto before. Any tips you’d like to share? Feel free to drop your thoughts below.


As for Northern Lights Auto, had a smooth run with it. Keep an eye on the nutrients, they tend to love a bit more during flowering. Also, maintain good airflow to control the aroma. Happy growing!

Hey, thanks for the tip on Northern Lights Auto! Will definitely watch the nutrients and airflow. Cheers to happy growing! :sparkles:

So, this is my first attempt with Northern Lights Auto, (picked up from growers choice seeds – shoutout to their quality selection!). I’ve been keeping it in my trusty 3x3 tent under a Mars Hydro light setup, and the progress is making me grin from ear to ear.

The buds are forming beautifully, and the resin production is kicking in – a real sight for sore eyes! I’ve been using a mix of Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and the General Hydroponics nutrient lineup (seems like this combo is doing wonders for my little ladies).

I can’t help but appreciate the simplicity of growing autos; they do their thing without too much fuss. Makes the whole process a lot more enjoyable, especially for those of us with busy schedules.


Me thinks the whole process is what most of us enjoy.
Enjoy the fruits of your labor or lack there of :sunglasses: :upside_down_face:

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this looks amazing, man!

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Absolutely, the journey from seed to harvest is a vibe! Cheers to enjoying the fruits (or buds) of our labor! :sunglasses:

Thanks, man!

Just wanted to give you a quick update on my latest grow with Northern Lights Auto from Growers Choice Seeds. Wondering if this beauty is looking as healthy to you guys as it does to me. Started this journey with these awesome seeds, and I gotta say, they’ve been keeping me on my toes!

Now, back to the main act – my Northern Lights Auto. She’s been soaking up the light like a champ under my trusty LED setup. Just snapped some pics during her morning stretch, and she’s looking pretty perky.

So, what do you think?


Looking good! Those Northern Lights Auto seeds are a solid choice. Your girl seems to be thriving under that LED setup. Keep up the good work, and happy growing!

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Tent’s a budget-friendly Vivosun 3x3, rocking Mars Hydro lights. Soil’s the trusty Fox Farm Ocean Forest.

The Northern Lights Auto from growers’ choice seeds are looking good, but I’m still unsure about the optimal harvest window. They’re about 8 weeks in - any seasoned growers with advice on when these beauties will be ready for the chop?


3 weeks minimum I’d assume. Probably closer to 4 maybe more.


Here is a Northern Lights Auto from Canna Genetics Farm that I did in Dec. '22. Very hardy. I don’t recall the exact yield but around 3 to 4 ounces, I imagine.

She sprouted Oct 1st and I harvested Dec 8th so, 69 days on this strain.

Good luck. She’s a great smoke.


Nice grow, man! I’m literally drooling right now :drooling_face: Those Northern Lights Autos are solid performers. :ok_hand:t3: