Thoughts on minimum lux (light) required

What do you guys think the minimum light, or lux value would be, to root clones. Anyone ever rooted clones in the dark? Just topic of discussion, but i do want to push the cloner to the outer limits of the lights.

I’ve used lightmeter when available to check blind spots and benchmark correct setting of hood (to have light more even).

I think that rough values are 25.000 to 50.000 lux for growing. For young plants I’d say 12.000 lux would still be feasible.

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I have no idea and just wanted to butt into your thread!



At 1st i wasn’t sure i had read correctly and then i realized this is most likely in term of some economically-viable scenario, correct?..

Otherwise i’d argue anything that will garantee the lower cotyledons possible.


Simply passing by, sorry for the interruption anyway! :wink:

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

I stopped using a light. Makes the clones not think about veging and they put all their energy pumpin out roots.

@lotus710 your killing me, no light…i wonder…

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Ya man. Roots grow at night:) i just stick em wherever i got roomXD i noticed they rooted quicker without lights. Then i found aloe shilajit and bimXD lights. No lights. They root like beasts!!

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In the first few days - the less light=better rooting. 2x15w or 2x18w fluorescent tubes is enough. After first roots I switch to 2x36w so the cutting can grow and get stronger.

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I just may do a couple n put them in the dark for a few days…see what happens.

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lotus710 you’ve suggested this a couple of times now so can you clarify your “no light” tech? Do you mean total uninterrupted darkness until rooted enough to transplant into a veg environment? How quickly do you turn a clone from fresh cut to transplant? Isn’t bloom-set triggered by all that darkness - do you skip veg and go straight to bloom? Have you created mothers with this tech? Does health and vigor suffer at all - yellowing, growth lag, elongation?


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I usualy just put the clones ontop of my tent (when i used a tent) residual light from like the hallways or whatever but very little. Cutting to soil is about 6-10 days depending on the cultivar. Ive never had any start blooming on me. Straight to bloom is only for those pure sativas or super stretchy hybrids. I have had a moms from this with zero problems. Ive never seen any problems with them getting used to the light again or anything. They have always preformed just like when i used to use a light. Ive noticed the roots are more beastly with no light.


I kinda go straight to flower, 7 day veg.

if I have understood correctly with “no light” you mean “ambient light”, not darkness. ?

Just so it be known… I did root a clone in darkness. Rooted just fine. Was yellowed, and did not like much light at first, but they root just fine.

@MysteryMoog : bet they root better with 1000/2000 lumens avalaible… :wink:

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I’m not sure I’d recommend doing it, but can be done…lol

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Yes. When i say no light i mean no clfs, fluros, etc.

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“Ambient” light…

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does “environment light” sounds better?
English isn’t my own lang.; sorry for killing Shakespeare idiom…

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I like ambient, does that make me Shakespearian. :grinning: