Clonex question

Hey guys,

I have some clones I took a week ago that I have just had soaking in good ol water old school style.

I got some clonex now and I am wondering if it would be a bad idea to take the clones that I have been soaking, and use clonex on them now. I am new to cloning and I do not know much about the different methods, or whether this would be just fine.

They have not developed roots yet but are on their way. I just want to speed things up now that I have clonex in hand.

Any help is appreciated.


Well, it certainly couldn’t hurt your clones, but if you plan to dip the stems into the Clonex bottle and then place them back into the water, there might be a couple of considerations.

First, you really don’t want to introduce anything into the Clonex bottle. Your stems have water on them, so if you have a number of clones, this isn’t an ideal thing for the long-term viability of your Clonex.

Second, if you were to place the freshly dipped clones back into your water container, it would basically get diluted back into the water. It would be more effective if you placed the freshly dipped clones into peat pellets, or at the very least, let the Clonex sit on the stems for a while before putting back into the water.

BTW - if you’re water container is a clear glass, you may want to switch it to something that isn’t clear. And if you aren’t sure about the quality or pH of your water, getting a gallon of distilled water for your young clones is never a bad idea.


Thanks for the reply.

I have clonex packets so I can dispose of a contaminated packet afterwards no problem. And I’m really only trying to get 5 clones at the moment so it’s not a crazy amount if that helps.

I have some grodan cubes I was going to go from the water they have been in, to clonex, into the cubes. I was going to pre soak the cubes in the clonex solution I also have now.

At least that is what I was planning on doing.


If dipping the cuts in clonex gel … don’t forget to recut / trim the ends just befor placing in the cubes
: )


That is helpful. I took some new clones and re cut my initial ones thanks to your advice.

I actually have a somewhat proper setup now!


Nice work.
They like warmth and moisture.

Dome on. I root my clones around 80f. Temp inside dome.
Keep dome misted - no spraying the plants necessary.
Every day, wipe dome dry, mist and put back in place.
Start opening dome vents after 4 or 5 days.


Looks good. Yes, I suggested peat pellets, but Grodan works fine, especially if you plan to go hydro.

BTW - when I used to use Grodan, I would place extra Grodan fiber around the hole to protect the rooting stem from light and help lock in moisture. I honestly don’t know if it was necessary, but it worked for me! You can get the extra material from the corners.


Awesome I appreciate the info. They had rapid rooter pellets in the bags but no trays to hold them up so I went for the grodans.

Will I have issues going to soil this route? Didn’t even realize that haha.

@GramTorino thank you for that. I have always seen people mist the plants directly as well but I will do your method as it seems cleaner.


DJM taught me.

I killed a few learning.


Shouldn’t be a problem to place the Grodan in soil, as long as you don’t allow it to stay saturated. If so, it could cause issues with your stem rotting.


Well I always failed making clones and had envy from you guys with your constant success :sweat:, so tried a different approach.

I’ve got a seed starter with sponge-corks and water I use for germinating. I made a hole across the cork, dipped a straw in Clonex, put the clone inside straw and then the cork and finally pulled out the straw:

and even if they look fragile they all rooted:

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so its a mix of Clonex and water but without mixing them, as it has been wisely said. Hope you will have success with yours, mine’s were an experiment and as I wasn’t expecting to succeed they are now in window shelves … :sweat_smile:


@George , you own a body piecing studio ?
: )


Wow that looks so awesome.

I love all things DIY and I am really digging that setup.
I am kind of in the same boat where I took clones a week or so just to see what happens. Now if they were all to root I will have to find something to do with them haha.

Also it looks like we are running the same fabric pots. I picked up a 5 pack of those in 10 gallons for a great price and have my outdoor in those.


I had them in 5 gallons, but there were too big so I bought 1 gal and 3 gal. Roots are more oxygenated and don’t roll around. For me it’s a mistery, when I transplanted a huge clone form 1 to 3, there were no roots at all …

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I’m harvesting now their “mothers” so having more of the same strain doesn’t make me very happy, which makes me think how far can we go with this hobby! :sweat_smile:


Wow thats pretty nuts. I wonder why that is.

They look real happy and healthy though!


because of the air pruning in the airpots , the root mass has a different structure , instead of visually spiriling around pot endlessly , when the root tip reaches the edge of the airpot it is air pruned and stops , this sends message to plant to fire out more roots
While both root masses may be similar in volume the airpot roots will have many more tips , thus better performance kind off
: )


That makes sense.

Are smart pots/air pots the same as the spiky looking pots?

I always see those and was unsure if they did the same thing.


Yes , both air prune : )


That’s why I only transplanted that one! :stuck_out_tongue:, now it became a monster and flipped her:

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so I will keep the rest in 1 gal and see what happens, after watching the solo cup contest I think everything’s possible.

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Back to the topic, I think that having their feet in water and the stem in Clonex embedded media helps, will keep trying that way … :sunglasses:

Edit: Thanks @ifish for the explanation, I think I will stick to them from now on :+1:, my root structure was already fuzzy as they came from water media :upside_down_face:


I thought as they don’t have yet roots they feed over the leaves, so it is good spraying them also, perhaps someone can enlighten us … icon_confused