Tips on getting a larger yield in soil?

Those look darn-juicy those buds do @catapult


SOG 1 gallons in soil can be done for sure, it’s not at all easy, and will require a lot more maintenance than big pots (daily water/ feeding vs just water every few days).

Drip feed small pots can get you close, otherwise it’s bottled nutes to get big plants in little volume.

If not drip fed, then bottom water in big pots, to promote deep root growth.

Genetics are also definitely a big factor, but if genetics are kept the same bigger pots is easiest way to increase yield.

You can also stack 5ga pots, one on top of the other (if you don’t have bigger pots). That’s my in between, a 5 ga stacked on top of a 7 ga about 1/2 full.

Think dual root system.

The one thing about SIP’s that has kept me from switching; is that it’s is not the best for super soil; as far as I’ve heard. But, I’m not sure about that.


Bigger volume of soil will fix most of the problems.
Try them in 20gal or even one larger bed of soil. With soil growing its a lot to do with volume of the soil that you have.

I’ve got 3 plants in 23gal of soil in a 2.5ft x2.5ft tent, and ideally I’d like that to be closer to 30gal if I could fit it in there.

With soil don’t worry about watering until you get run off, that may be over saturating the soil, watering to run off is more of a hydro thing, where you need to ensure the nutrients are fully satured in the medium.
You’re doing the right thing with checking weight to see when they’re dry, but try just watering 5-10% by volume so the soil is moist but not soaking wet.

If tou havnt already seen it yet, there’s a fantastic YouTube channel by Buils A Soil, where they document soil grows from seed to harvest, check them out for tonnes of free knowledge!



Could u tag me in @CrunchBerries thread i took a look real quick and didnt see what you were talking about


Also guys i dont really know what i expect. The best i ever did was 10 zips off of 6 plants and tbat was yearssss ago running roots organic soil and nutes. I guess im really half assing the “organic” part of the grow with pre bought soil and liquid bottled nutes. The soil and nutes are prettt costly and I definitely would like to figure something more effective and efficient out soon.


Hey buddy, here is the link to the SIP thread

We’ve got a good group that are able to help if you have questions.


my yield went up, aka plants grew faster, the more perlite i added without changing pot size.
one day i went all perlite…and stayed that way. i’m not the best soil grower…shoot i am not a very hydro grower, but adding perlite reduced the water cycle to get more waterings in.


Ive done SOG in all kinds of pots, and Ive found the best way for soil is as big of pots as possible. Ill stuff 7-10 in a 10 gal shamelessly. Veg clones or seedlings a foot tall and flip. Makes things easy to maintain and you can juice some nice yields from em. Heres an example


7-10 seeds in a 10 gal pot? How long do you veg for?

shoulda been more clear sorry, if i do regs itll be more like double that lol. Lately Ive been going a little mad scientist and keeping seeds in 3 inch fabric nursery pots from root pouch on a capillary until they sex, then stuff a bunch of females in 10 gals. Ive been getting pretty hilariously big buds too

Usually 2-3 weeks will get me to about a foot. Seed or rooted clone. Of course, it also depends on strain. Some stuff just has a lot more vigor out the gate.


Final dry matter yield is heavily determined by the genetics, and may or may not be something the breeder has selected for so first up this is the biggest factor.
To maximise final yields the plant needs a big root system, so lots of friable nutrient rich soil with a mix of different grades of materials. Some course material will help as exploratory roots will hit them and fork, thus increasing root surface area. Also a more friable soil will allow the roots to grow larger and require less energy from the plant to do so.

As an example I use about 200l of soil per plant outside, the hole is about a meter wide, and the roots will take up all of it. I have seen decent yields from smaller pots but it’s never as much.

I also swear by kelp, the cytokines in it increase plant branching and shorten the node length.

You could veg longer as well, room permitting as this is will invariably increase the output. Also a scrog net and or tying the plant down will increase growth tips and can make a big difference.


Thanks @CrunchBerries I couldn’t link it cause I was about to start driving.

But yeah, the SIPs thread is what pushed me over the edge and now I fucking love them!! They are great if you go out of town and need someone with zero plant smarts to look after them. If it’s dry down the hole, add more water.


1st priority : obviously the right strain for it ^^
2nd : produce the more root mass you can within one month
3th : prune only before and during the stretch
4th : then LIFTA and continue to produce the more roots you can ^^


Whats Lifta

1 Like

4th : leave the plant do her job, except for the roots


OG’s credo is Leave It The Fuck Alone


I thought it was LITFA
Leave It The Fuck Alone.
:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :rofl:



Look I Totally Forgot Again


Couple days ago i searched on google what does LIFTA mean😂


“I put that shit on everything” :grinning:

All these recommendations for larger containers, yet no one used the phrase, “More roots, more fruits”! :sweat_smile: Missed opportunity, but they are right…

I was using 5 and 7 gallon fabric pots, but eventually realized the yields were still good using 3 gallons - and I could fit more plants in the tent that way. I wouldn’t grow in anything smaller though.

My yields doubled when I switched from fabric pots to Octopots (a kind of SIP, Sub-Irrigation Planter, like @imstinky mentioned above). From 3oz average per plant to 6, with some hitting 12 & 13oz.

Can your plants tolerate more light? I’d crank your LEDs up to maximum as long as it didn’t adversely affect the plants (too much heat in the tent, colas too close to light source due to space constraints, some strains are more sensitive, etc). You are trying to duplicate the sun’s intensity in your tent!

You mentioned the cost of nutes. A lot of us Octopot growers use Jack’s which is cheap (but effective!), especially if you have friends who can split a 25lb bag.

@catapult mentioned super soil. That is not recommended for Octopots. You fill the 6 gallon fabric pot with an inert mixture (I use ProMix HP which has no nutes but contains myco for the roots). That sits atop a 6 gallon nutrient reservoir. You mix Jack’s into your water and feed that through the rez. The plants will “water themselves” and obtain their nutrition that way. A super soil would be too dense.