Does anyone here grow tobacco as a companion crop? I’m wondering if it growing in proximity would act as a deterrent to bugs, if not a tobacco tea would surely help wouldnt it? I grew a few tobacco plants on my kitchen table in an apartment and they were surprisingly simple, hardy and potent! For only a window and a desk lamp they grew like crazy, I now have 1000s upon 1000s of seeds and was contemplating tossing them around my outdoor stuff next year!
Not tried, but LOVE to learn something here.
Lol sure beats making “organic” tobacco tea with cigarette butts.
And yes it does kill bugs.
Tobacco has its own set of insects and diseases,
Here’s a list of common insects
Well, I know nothing about companion crops, but I have grown lots of
Flowering Tobacco (Nicotiana).
I have grown them in containers and in garden beds, they produce nice flowers which exude
a delightfully enticing aroma. They are fairly easy to grow, seeds are teeny tiny though.
The pink and blue flowers are Nicotiana.
It was fun to grow, they took all kinds of abuse. I was in camp when they started to flower so they all ended up seeding. So now I have a ton of seeds crossed between “del gold and 10000 year old rustica” (according to amazon lol)