I’ve been thinking about IPM and was thinking maybe having some companion plants in my indoor area could help with that. I read basil can repel white flies and aphids and so i’m thinking it could be worth it to have some basil going in the indoor garden if it works well.
Any experience, opinions, feedback, or perspectives are welcome. Would love to hear what others are doing to get an idea of what could be done in a manageable way for pest control and prevention.
Very cool and good points. Ill keep that in mind. I worry about bringing in bugs from outdoor all the time. Also thinking maybe some basil plants planted around the home outdoors can do something beneficial while keeping the indoor outdoor separation.
I’m starting to think I should start growing in supersoil and see companion plants affects on growth for myself. I mostly just wondered if companion plants in seperate planters can be a deterrent for anything that may be attracted to my garden but now i’ll try this route. I do have some cover crop I can use for my next run so that will be fun. It would be fun to try and grow corn indoors but I dont think ill be able to do that. Also would be my first time growing in soil. I’ve only grown in coco coir. Hopefully I can have a grow diary up when this happens. Been wanting to try organic growing and just adding water instead of the constant mix of nutrients for coco.
Nothing conclusive hey, ill let you know though. Peas and other legumes put nitrogen into the soil which is helpful during the leafy stage. You can also bring tasty sacrifice plants in to attract any pest you have onto them, which you can set free outside.
Best wishes
Try everything