Topping at start of flower?

It will be ok, :+1:.

You can pinch in risking 10 years of jail too ^^


Sad to hear you say that?
Still so many places would put a person in a cage for 10 years for this plant!
I can not understand it to be honest! :slightly_frowning_face:.
Also your plants look really nice, huge. And you have guts to do that, ten years? WOW @Fuel !


It’s pathetic to risk so much for just a plant, but it have a rational explanation here (France). We import a shit ton of hash all the year (many others drugs too) and it took the lead. We have a bunch a politics caught with the hand in these dirty networks, only the officially caught ones are numerous. None take jails ^^ Can’t wait to leave EU, even their efforts of “pseudo legalization” are pathetic.

At the moment i’m writing these words, they organize raids in spain to get down a bunch of cannabis club. It will not be the same story i think … spanish don’t like much when you itch their freedom and human rights ^^


Hey @Ghgrower the bending of stems/branches is called Supercropping, there are many articles on it on the net.

Wow, also sorry to hear that.

And you are going to leave the EU?

Where are you planning to go?

So sad people can’t be themselves. :-1:



In a little island between the Pacific ocean and the Atlantic ocean that look like more democratic and free :sunglasses:


Nice setup.

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Thank you :blush:

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Fast forward a couple weeks and this is what you get bending them at the top and pull them over.Many main kolas now