Should I TOP... Or?

Hi everyone,

Want to TOP these clones I have. A little History on them - Soil. 4 Strains with unknown origins - Sour, Skywalker OG, Bakers Dozen, Blueberry Snowstorm - got them from a local guy on CL (my problem, I know) and within 2 days they all showed signs of mites, thrips, N DEF, CALMAG DEF.

Days later I made up some soil and perlite mix 70/30 to transplant from their original dixie’s and well I may have been a little bit too rough during the transplant and they went into shock and displayed even more DEF’. FML

I thought they were gonners for sure! But to my surprise after 2 weeks of stalled growth and dying leaves they all came back strong/ish. Gave them a good feed and they seem to have picked up growth. Only problem is now I have these plants that are 10-15" tall but only have 2-3" of top growth. I want to keep these small, clone them a few times, and then eventually put them to 12/12 besides their sisters. I love the idea of a Bonsai Mom but only after I see the results of a harvested clone.

So for now what is the best method to keep them small and to help new lower growth so I can get to cutting some clones asap. Looks like there are a few new leaf sites in the making on one of them so this gives me hope.

How much stress is too much? Are they doomed before they cross the finish line?

Thanks for any input you can offer


Too much stress for cannabis? Only for shitty genetics brother. And even then they come back usualy. Ive went from drying out plants 4 weeks into flower to dropping a thermometer on a 2 week old seedlingXD they will bounce back from pretty much everything.

As for rhe keeping it short. You can cut it. Or you can bend that bitch down.


hi @lotus710 thanks for the response! I was thinking about bending her over. that will for sure take about 5 inches off the board, can I bend and TOP at same time or should I do separately after its recovered a little?

Like @lotus710 said, you can do whatever and the plant will survive if all conditions are being met. When you bend the plant lower than the last node you shouldn’t need to top. All the hormones shift in the plant and the top will be the slowest growing while higher branches speed up.

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@ryasco that’s makes perfect sense! So I can go as low as below the first node?

So then yes bending is what ill probably stick to

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This was LSTed well below the lowest node and retied as needed to keep it low. Most of the rest was super cropped and cropped to keep everything growing out.


I prefer bending them over rather than topping, my side growth gets fatter, and it seems that all the buds think they are the top bud, I have had to splint and support branches because they get so heavy


That’s right some girls just love a little yanking around, the only difference I see is that I use a string with a smoother surface and a looser loop around the branch


Yeah it’s sexist but grab that hoe by the pony tail and shove it where you want it. She wants it that way.

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I’m so inspired to be abusive but I’ll get the love in return.

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I also prefer bending and tying plants down over topping them.
I like to use loops of pantyhose around the stem/branches. I tie the pantyhose loop to strong monofilament fishing line to anchor. The pantyhose acts like a shock absorber…this is especially helpful on outdoor plants subject to windy conditions…they can move with the wind with less chance of breaking.
As the stems grow, the pantyhose does not constrict the growth.

I started two seeds in this window box. One male, one female. I killed the male. Then I tied the girl down with pantyhose tied to the stump of the male.
It looks like two little plants, but it is one bent and tied girl.


Haha he likes pantyhose

Thanks everyone for the input.

I got rough with them, smacked them around, pinched and bent em over! A bit sad looking, but after all the reading and your responses I hope one day it will look like @Calyxander window box, but right now I’m in a 1.8 circular pot and my branches hang like 6" over the edge so I really like the idea of the elongated window box, or ill for sure have to support , well hopefully :grin: maybe that will be my permenant transplant spot for the mums.


Hey everyone, just wanted to give you an update. The plants have all since began to express lower growth, and i practically snapped the stems over and they all are almost standing strait up again but with a slight curve, need to tie them bitches up i guess…

They are small but they are growing

They finally bounced back from all they stress the initially exhibited.

Now they just need to hurry up and give daddy some sisters…

You can splint that break with a popsicle stick,it will recover and be stronger (when healed)than the surrounding areas, tie them back down aggressive g rowth will pull strings out of tape so you could put a hole in the rim to hold the string

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