TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

thats great :slight_smile: itś great to have a fixed dinner schedule with your parents!!! :slight_smile:

ok i see sorry to hear that!

btw : sorry @TopShelfTrees1 for highjacking your thread :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


(He’s not awake it’s ok.)

It is nice to have dinner with them. They live right around the corner so it’s easy to get too also.

It can be loud and a bit stressful sometimes but it’s nice.


that is how it should be i guess! it`s family !! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Well ain’t that the truth. Mostly it’s just the dogs and the kids that overwhelm me the socialization is always pleasant and there’s rarely a drama and my sister is there. I think it should be every 2 weeks though.

yeah kids can stress a little when they are young.
an ex-girlfriend of my had two kids around 5 and8 years old
and i ve to say, that 20 years later i don´t have the patience anymore, like i had when my son was young.

every two weeks sound fine to me! so you have time to recover from that :rofl:

Yes precisely. Also, and not just my parents, I think we should do fewer things more often. There’s such an urge to rush and pack everything in that feels unhealthy to me.


Yes the times have changed! All and everyone is always under time pressure! I also find that terrible! Always have the feeling to chase some activities. I like to withwith friends and family! But it is most beautiful at home with the cats and the plants :smiley:

I´`m a boring guy i guess

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I am definitely a boring guy. I didn’t use to be a boring guy. But now I am. It suits me though. I had a hell of a party before.


i know exactly what you mean! helll of a party sound absolutly right :smiley: so now we can chill out and be boring. good for us ! and maybe for our surrounding it good too!


Well I imagine we are of a certain age where things change. But I can’t imagine meeting the 20 year old me. He was an asshole. And an idiot.


yes sir i know what you mean. i`m nearly fine with things like the are now. just that germany goes down the drain year for year.

Early Christmas huh? I gave away a bunch of seeds in that tech knowledge thread and ended up with like 10 packs of new seeds because of it somehow over this past week :rofl: :rofl: real happy to hear you got some ICC #5 too, that’s my baby. Working on S2’s and more crosses as we speak!

@Jetdro he’s gonna have to compete with me though! Problem with me is my goal is to reproduce all 317 I currently have lmfao, my goal is always more seeds and crosses which makes it difficult to get through a list. If you’re ever in need of (mostly) regs let me know bud, I’ve almost always got something I can give out


Thé only big thing I would change is I would like a house not a condo, but I want to stay near my parents because they’re getting older and somehow im thinking I’m the one to take on those responsibilities.

But house prices around here are crazy.

I thought those were shitty LEDs at first glance :joy:


Aha! English for the win!

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you`re a good son man ! thats how it should be i think!

yeah a house would be nice !! i should have saved a little more money in my younger years.
but i don´t need much… i had quite some good years :slight_smile:

i bet my english is hurting you native speakers eyes :rofl: :rofl:

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English may end up being our universal language one day, for better or worse. I was going to withhold the Russian joke due to the political climate in Europe, felt distasteful cause idk how everything is viewed over there but I know you’re good for a joke


Your English is better than my german.

I’m happy to do it, but I’d need to be close by.

Really I don’t even want a house I want a basement :joy:


who do you want to lock up down there? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

thank you iĺl try but i know that i should learn more an be more aware of things

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Me: fine
Inflammatory: probably

It’s a risky thing to even talk about not unlike that other thing that’s too risky to talk about.