TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

Part 3??? Good googlymoogly! I was only away for a couple month’s and your rockin the OG house like an earthquake. More power to yah. :sunglasses:


The fire will pull the O2 through the pipes don’t need any wind. Think of a house fire it pulls O2 out of the house as fuel so it would work the same with the pipes. If this isn’t what y’all were talking about then
Oh snap what up @Heliosphear how the hell you been?


I’ve been very nice brother! Check your list! Lololol


That’s pretty cool! See ideally I was thinking run some ducting or pvc and cut it flush with the ground but running 3-4 around the circle so it could still get airflow. Next question is will the pvc melt and will the ducting rust and what would work there? My fiance said we should do an above ground since we rent but I don’t anticipate moving anytime soon we have 1 dog 2 cats and a fish tank. Not many places let you have that many animals without an extra fee which we currently don’t pay where we stay. Also we rent from a family friend who keeps the rent low for us and although the trade off is a shitty landlord I guess it’s better than being pestered nonstop by a nosey landlord. But due to this my fiance says we should probably avoid digging because we are just making his house look better. My arguement is ok well how long we will get use from this firepit before we move in sure we can justify the time, labor, and price of the rock if we plan to live here for a few more years. I can’t anticipate this project costing more than $200 max unless I get fancy rocks lol


Glad to see you back around @Heliosphear uouve definitely been missed by many. Truly hope all is well. Can’t wait to see your next project as they are always epic! Much love and respect :facepunch:t2:


Me too :wave:t3:, check it twice :wink:


Damn son! How many dicks does your fire pit need?


4 Dicks each with 1 ball. 2 balls just won’t do but it’s a good fire prevention system


Hahaha. Nah for real though 4 dicks is plenty. PVC will definitely melt. I might approach this like so: get some 12" long galvanized steel pipe. Maybe an inch in diameter for air flow. I’m worried that with a smaller diameter like 1/2" you might get a loud whistle as air is sucked through the pipe opening.


Ahh yeah your making good points. Maybe it is easier to do an above ground lmao

See if any contractor buddys are throwing out 2.5’’ steel conduit. It’ll be easier to keep clean.
Don’t go deep for the pit and all you need is rocks around the edge


Good idea but the leaf blower port is starting to sound like a hassle same with digging a hole to put stones in. Maybe I’m lazy or maybe yall are making such good point that I can’t admit my lady is right


Admit that everyone agrees with her and you’ll be fine :joy: and less work


Lmao I’m always down for less work but letting her think she’s right oh man idk if I’ll ever live that down. I better just start digging the hole and if I hit electric or gas lay down and play dead its best case scenario if im wrong


Just say the spot has buried stuff and you can only go down 6-9 inches. This is an easy one to give her honestly :grin::joy:


Haha there we go! Ahh always a million projects and never time to finish but 2 and start 4 more lol. I never let myself get a break

Your willing to dig a hole. I’d throw a ring of rocks up and call it a day

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Haha yep I’m starting to lean more towards the above ground method when I think about the big tree in the corner of the yard. Anyways what’s everyone up to this morning?


You really wouldn’t have to go deep as long as the dicks are close to the bottom by the fire. You can put 90°’s and still have air flow. You probably can get creative and figure something out.:+1:

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Outside under a bush smoking with Leo the Tripod. Normal stuff here. It rained an inch in the night. In about 45 minutes! Loud! Started at 3:39. Yes… I’m normally up drinking coffee about them. Leo’s right arm is gone and he uses it’s absence to get closer to Maui.