TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

That’s a great pic!


Awe that’s too cute! We used to have a 3 legged cat named rusty. He was a rescue. Came to us one day dragging his back half and the sweetest thing ever. He got hit by a car they amputated 1 of his legs and he would hop everywhere and do everything the other cats would it was wild he was our favorite tho. We had another cat same thing happened but we could never catch him. Well long story short he got jacked from pulling himself around and regained use of his back legs and walked around looking like a cat someone gave steroids he was jacked it was wild never seen a cat so muscular i wish I had pics


Goody gumdrops.
Moring/afternoon fella’s!
Y’all want know what I did last night?!?!:smiley:
Hello sweet friend…

…I’ve missed you.



Atta Boy! Niiiice @blowdout2269


Got me a drug test Thursday, hehe.


No more tests? Free man


What this?! Whats this? there’s something in the air. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:



Heyyyy! There ya go @blowdout2269! Enjoy brother!


Oh I’m sure I’ll have to test again.
It’s always at random. But its bought me a window!
I’m probably just gonna have yesterday and today before we say goodbye again. :sob:


Hope you have the cream of the crop to enjoy for these two days before the next break.


Negative. I got good stuff. Just poor cures.
Right now I got those two aborts sitting at 50°F/60%RH.

Finally got to sample @Going2fast 's Scarlet Grapes. Great bud. Seems like a good cure as well. But…the terps are gone! I vacuum sealed it a while back, after the regular jar burping/curing. Last night I let some out to fluff for a few. They were still very dense and hard to break up with my fingers. It burned great. Slow.
The head high is great, but the pain killing effect that I crave, isn’t quite there for me. Though, I definitely coulda took better care of them gals. :grimacing:

I’m actually finishing this doobie right now in the company of the last sad two Bloody Monster clones.


The Big Bud from my first DWC attempt that I used last winter seemed the help me more. But I’ve given all that away. I have some of its organic soil clone offspring bud. But…fucked up the cure!
:rofl: Might have to try that later today.


Dang well I hope it’s still enjoyable. I know the flavor is an important part of the experience for me too. I messed up on a couple flavors last harvest by quick drying them. Unfortunate but the one I look forward to getting a real taste is the Royal Procession in this run.

Those look beautiful compared to mine. You dont want to see my clones, Twigs in soil at this point :joy:.
At least the Sugar beltz rooted and will get another crack at them. I will have to take new cuts off the mothers and try again.


All them Sugar Belts pics I’ve seen around are amazing. I’m gonna have to try that one sometime.

As you might know, I’m gonna take a stab at permanent twelves for a while. I have no idea what might happen. I also havent grown photos or regs for a long time. It’s a mad house up in here! :crazy_face:

First round found here:

I should just bite the bullet and start a thread. :laughing::joy:

I actually will need to uphold my end of the bargain when I recieve the sweet new light that was generously gifted by @PhlizonGrowLight!

Here’s the other two clones.

Gonna abuse the others ones for a while yet. :grin:


perpetual or 12 week flowering plants? I’m confused haha

Regular are my preferred seeds to grow. I heard of photoperiod but not sure what it means by that. I thought there was only Fems, Regs, Autos.

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Everything will be 12/12 from seed.
Gonna cram em in there! See what happens.
Get the feeling in gonna slip into a seed popping addiction and end up with this weird SOG that has solo cups to like 5 gallon pots scattered about.


That make more sense now.
Haha Do it! You could have a staggered sog, half net always in rotation.

Last run I ran one plant basically 12/12 from seed, started in a solo, then up potted into a 3 gallon. I was shocked to see how well it turned out. Unfortunately, I jarred it up too soon, forgot to burp and mold got it. Didn’t even get to test it. DOH!


Damn, that sucks.


So you gonna go with a sog style grow? Just as many as you can in a tent?
Edit should have read rest of thread before speaking.🤦:rofl: I ran a sog and did just that I just didn’t stagger and keep it perpetual oh well. Once I try something once I move on unless I really like it! Never know what my favorite grow style is if I don’t try em all! :joy::rofl:
@inthewoods the is autos and photos. Photos need light change to initiate flowering autos do not. Regs can be autos or photos this just means male and female possibilities. Fems are feminized seeds that can be auto or photo. Hope that helps.


I don’t use tents, remember?
I’m actually bout to buy my first. @Dirt_Wizard has been helping me A LOT.
Anyone else with tent reviews and suggestions, speak up please. Trying to land a good Lack Friday deal(s)!



You know what I meant! Lol two tents and you can veg!

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