Trust me I know, it’s hard to get singles of any micron, or if you find em it’s ridiculous! Same with sift screens etc. I always wondered why though, like one of those guys needs a bubble bag website where you can buy mixed kits of any option . In time I bet they would do well just on that aspect , especially with a great product and good price point. Sold!
Morning @TopShelfTrees1 . Trying to get some stuff done and the missus has some Vertigo going. That is so debilitating. Aside from addressing symptoms, she’s got some imaging scheduled. Get her addressed now that I’m returning to the land of whatever it is.
Ahhh man, I know she’s been dealing with that for a while, my dad having had his entire ear canal removed suffers from it here and there too, I can only imagine as it makes you feel sick on top. Please give Jan my love brother and tell her I hope she feels better. I love that you even referenced that you are back! For real it goes to show you are definitely in the right mindset/space
You and me both ! Thats my other happy place @Gadarien and a passion since I was a young boy that’s only grown and grown over time into an obsession just like cannabis .
That is terrible!
I hope she gets better.
I suffered a bout of that about 2 years ago.
I thought I was dieing, couldn’t function for 3 days.
The ambulance came to the job site they took me in and did blood screening and found I was dehydrated with low K.
That mixed with the air hammer drilling piles through rock jostled up my inner ear crystals.
That’s crazy! Ya it’s no joke that’s for sure. I have issues with never drinking enough ANYTHING but coffee, so I get dehydrated easily in the summer, I’ve been working on it but everytime I get ahead and start doing good I lose my way and right back to where I started sadly.
I get real light spasms first in my calf’s usually (I’ve learned it’s my first indicator) as I have spasms all the time from my last accident. But these are different, I usually will chug a whole bottle right afterwards