“traveling card experience”

Should be able to get it moving in a day or two, got a lot of stuff to go through and get mailed out from Dibs and games that people won :trophy: beans from me. Overwhelmed rate now with the influx of stuff coming in from the 3 lots I got in the auctions and the win :trophy: on the UHS contest and want to make sure not to forget anyone that donated for these contests and want to acknowledged all of them for making this possible. With out the dedication and efforts of the members of this community how else would it be the GR8’S place in the grow world :earth_africa:! :+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Recycling Rocks. Even though I’ve got the Blues !

Fantastic Gift arrived today. Yes I’ll be sharing it within. Thanks again @CanuckistanPete Yehaw! Thanks for the FuNkY puc


Bad ass puck @CanuckistanPete! :facepunch: where did the puck come from, I need some of them! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Very cool puck


Alright, and the name’s not visible, so here it is with a twist.

Frankenstein x UFS #18, shipped to the States in an hour.
Thanks again @CanuckistanPete

Next! :loudspeaker:


Let me check w/ Recipient gang…
Incoming mail was On their Radar

ps alls good, its hapnin


Thanks for posting that picture @MissinBissin, I am
Sure the community loves :heart: seeing this card continue on to its next destination. All please keep this card rolling on with the beans 🫘, time, and effort we are all putting in! :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::clap::tophat:

On to its next destination :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:, waiting with GR8 anticipation as to where it will pops up next! :wink::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Ok OG gang where’s the card? :roll_eyes: who was the last one to send it on? Please give that person a ring :bell: and get them to move that card on to the next person. Come on gang @Bobgrows & @OhNo555 are counting on you guys and gals to keep this going! :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile: no pressure 🫤


Yes where did it land? :thinking:


I was thinking about the card last week…

Just a thought - not everyone who receives seeds also sends them out…


But that was the purpose of the card… lol


So the million dollar question is where did the card go last and seems to be on vacation. I would DM that person so we can figure out what to do next. Rate now I am holding a card that @Bobgrows sent me but, have not sent it on its way. I want to make sure that this is going to take off. We might have to Dm each person we are going to forward the card to and see if they are willing to participate so it keeps moving, that would take care or the problem that @MyrtleGrounds brought up. I really think :thinking: this is not hard to do. I would always be willing to help out a person that has not done this before. I always got Flips, Washers, Cards, and stamps that are good for everywhere in the world :earth_americas:. :ok_hand::+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Yes I think a DM to the person it is going to would be a good idea :bulb: to make sure they understand the game. Yes?
See post #7


Then I will wait a few days to see if anyone say’s the card is vacationing at there house. We will start the next card and add to make sure you DM the next person to make sure they want to participate and maybe with doing that it will keep the card moving. What do you think :face_with_monocle: @Bobgrows and anyone what would like to make a suggestion to help this succeed on the next attempt. :ok_hand::blush::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Good Morning @JohnnyPotseed

Hope your off to a Fine start this morning… I had mentioned that there were a Few People ie: OG’rs, wondering about that Cards location…

Kinda funny that I targeted as-busy an OG as yourself. I’m Wondering if I can give You a reminder about the card Johnny.

Spring is just around the corner, wishing you the Best JPs !!

@OhNo555 @Bobgrows It did not get lost, I let you know (above) that I had communicated with the recipient.

No rescue plan needed. Sometimes theres a Hitch in the best laid plans


I would suggest a sign up to pick from to send to the next person. They must be on the list. Then when the card gets full, we randomly pick from said list of who would get the whole card and start another… yes? @OhNo555


Hey there my friend. I had forgotten about it until I saw it yesterday, actually. I had planned on sending it out in the next day or so. For the past week, I’ve been busy packing beans & cuttings from orders in this latest sale, and still have some to go, but when I saw it and remembered, I determined to get it sent out to someone in this next day or so.
I think having a sign-up list is a good idea, that way folks don’t get surprised. Just my two cents…


That’s GR8 brother :man:, I am glad we know that the card was only on short vacation and in capable hands :raised_hands:! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: thanks for participating and taking the time to move it on to the next person! :ok_hand::+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Fyi Gang I received the card Again today. Surely an accident, cuz I love getting mail from @JohnnyPotseed.

My immediate action is to turn-it-around and get it out the door to the first random Cdn Og’r I could pinpoint.

Thank You Johnny, I am passing your Gift on, to someone out West.

In the Mailbox tonight Gang… card is in motion