Trichome shots!

your looking at the bottom of the trichome cap where the stalk is usually attached. The bottom always has lines and crud on it, while the top is smooth.


o.k., the stalk is missing, or shot from straight dead on. I see, now.


I’m thinking maybe it’s just because people wanna call it something positive and familiar and non-scientific, as some sort of counterbalance to all the heartless arrogant bashing that this superplant is getting still to this day…?


Is there anything it can’t do?


Woooooooooow… :flushed: :+1:

As you’ve seen “a few” real close-ups… how would you describe the transition from clear to milky spheres, and on to amber…?

-does it always happen in the same way, or can they “fill up” in different ways, like from bottom up vs. everything slowly fading over, or how does it go? Does it depend more on what strain or room temperature or light?

they randomly get cloudy then eventually transition to amber. On occasion you can get a strange looking trichome with a different look. Sugar black rose had a collection of trichomes with spheres inside looking like dots of amber. The strange part is most of the caps on the trichomes are the same size(about 12 micrometers), but the stalk of the trichome can be 10-50 micrometers tall! It varies by strain. I’ve never seen room temperature or light effect it, unless you are talking about total darkness, which isn’t good.

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a single bud, computer enhanced.


Ok, thanks.

What do you mean with darkness being no good for the trichomes?

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naw, darkness is not good for the plant, because it will go into negative growth mode. I would assume that could have a cascade effect where the thc concentrations aren’t as high, but that’s just a guess.

But… there’s darkness every night anyway, during which certain biological processes happen exclusively/more, right… :thinking:

Or do you mean a prolonged darkness right before harvest; the very much debated “boost your trichs 36-72h darkness period…” ?

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oh yah sorry I should have definitely qualified that statement. Normal day and night is good. I was talking when the daily light integral drops so low the plant has negative growth. If that makes sense?

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Ok. Not sure… At what point does it drop so low that the plant has negative growth?

I’m guessing you’re not a believer in any prolonged dark period at the end? I tried to read and read opinions from everywhere on that but it still seems to be a bit 50-50 out there, with maybe a leaning towards that it’s just a silly myth that it boosts trichomes, and can actually do a bit of damage if anything…?

no idea how low it has to go to reach negative, but I think complete darkness 24/7 would do it. I never starve the plants of light, that’s unsubstantiated claims. I dare someone to perform a study on it. I know people who do it all the time. You think it gives their buds more power, I can’t tell the difference. So then they have to do a test where you test the thc levels on some buds that were in darkness vs not. I await their evidence with baited breath.



There’s some good ones in that batch. Each trichome approximately 10μm cap, and 60-100μm for the stalk.


BOG Blue Moon Rocks


Playing with the camera
Chuckys bride gettin close


second photo has a thread innit!

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:rofl: You know if there is contamination to be found that @JoeCrowe’s gonna be your man.

does this count? Dark Sparks, day 51 from germ.