Trying to find someone who breeds seeds of the company TGA Subcool

It is so sad to see this company waiting to make a return ! I am wondering if they will bring back literally every strain they had before lol. I really hope so ! I would really like to support Jill and her team and I would really want to purchase every strain directly from her and of course I will do that when she re-releases them no matter what I can get before then. I am interested in breeding any of the strains from this company to help keep a large seed bank of Subcool strains so there are always seeds to grow these strains and even breed new crosses with them ! I am literally interested in any strain available doesn’t matter what but I truly want to start with Sativas and Sativa leaning hybrids.

I have Pandoras Box right now coming in the mail
I was lucky to find. I will be growing in all organic soil.


Welcome to OG @Wizzord.


Thanks a lot prince ! My goal is to get a lot of land somewhere for cheap and then I plan to collect literally all major strains from every seed company and quality breeder out there ! I figure it will not be hard to get up to a few thousand strains. A little bit harder to breed seeds of strains because I need a lot of grow tents and to shower so I guarantee don’t fuck with the pollen going from grow tent to grow tent. Eventually I should be able to make 50 strains per year with 1000 of seeds bred for that strain aside from
Breeding my own new crosses. I think it’s more important to preserve the strains we have. We are almost at the end of the history of Cannabis breeding and new strains. There is only really so far you can go with the plant.


Well I know I can use software engineering to find anyone who actually has these seeds… come on, it would be nice if I don’t have to hire some lady in the Yakuza to hack computers and find them all for me hahahah!

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Welcome to overgrow! Head on over to the welcome thread and introduce yourself. There is a bunch of subcool gear all over overgrow. Be patient and it will find you. Be mindful that many growers are in prohibition states or countries and will be rightfully cautious. The Yakazu was intended as a joke, but growers do have concerns that they will be discovered. It’s happened to OG before

I’m growing out a Jilly Bean cross I got from an OGer right now!


Wow that’s cool, what is it crossed with ? I seen it crossed with Malawi gold not too long ago, thought that was a neat idea.

Well I look forward to the future ! I have some TGA Pandoras Box seeds. I am going to breed them with clean grow tents to make more seeds ! I will do free trades for other strains of TGA subcool seeds !

Lol serious about the Yakuza actually ! I’m even going to be growing a strain that is crossed with a strain literally named “Yakuza” I do actually know those people and some of them are my personal friends in Japan :jp:


Man it would be amazing to get to grow some of those out once you make seeds later on, I’ve always loved TGA gear and always will. Pandoras Box is one I just didn’t ever get my hands on unfortunately.

Quite a nice one I am excited for it ! It’s genetic history of Jack the Ripper x Space Queen has got to be a winner! I’m not going to do it for my first grow though lol. Need some experience first. I am going to start by growing some more new age seeds. I truly like this company though and I plan to collect seeds of all companies even older ones. I really want to make strains out of crossing TGA strains with others eventually. I need to also see the dank within the dank lol! I want to get into their strains like Ethos does for example, back crossing things multiple times or making F5 or whatever and then crossing those. I really like the stuff that is made by Tiki Madman, Bodhi, Umami, Lit Farms, In-house, Robinhoodseeds (their other company Square one genetics actually did a TGA cross with Sweet Tea strain and Robinhood has crossed Vortex), I plan to grow Jazz Queen by Heroes of the farm, I’m trying to convince people I know in other countries to also collect these precious seeds to have a stockpile of awesome strains ! What TGA strains do you have around Anthony ?!

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My grandfather was a cinematographer of wildlife documentaries and he was a personal friend of Stanley Kubrick so the Pirate Milk series of Tiki Madman is quite special for me! As well as his Singapore Sling strain being about the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and the Tokyo Funk strain because he crossed the strain Yakuza with Detroit Runtz! That was special for me becuase I actually know people in the Yakuza. So that’s my other company that is as important to me as TGA Subcool…. Aside from that I really love the idea of random strains made by truly professional underground breeders… doesn’t need a company name to impress a guy like me. I smoked stuff like that since the age of 14, mixed with stuff like even imported hashish from coffeeshops in Amsterdam and Budder when they first made it in British Columbia in 2008. I’m 32 years old now lol

I know I can hunt through people in Spain (pun intended like a phenotype hunt lol) where they have bred out every single TGA subcool strain to perfection and underground growers have made neat crosses along the lines of Jilly Bean x Malawi. I would really love to get some TGA Subcool stuff from Americans even who live in Arizona or the west coast perhaps more so.

If MzJill brought back out all these strains of Cannabis… eventually I make it to being a Billionaire like the Yakuza are notorious for having many members that rich. I would certainly donate millions of dollars to her and her family and I would also buy literally all 100+ strains directly from her in bulk quantities ! I have special ideas for crossing this companies strain. Easy to keep the seeds going with lots of clean grow tents and even keep them in cheap apartments in Europe so you can keep the pollen in a completely different building from any other strains pollen and I could even send one person to deal with each strain so there is no possibility of pollen getting on their clothes and then they go into a grow tent of a second strain and it fucks up the grow with a different strains pollen. I will not be having any of that shit lol ! I like the way that Pirate Milk is themed after the movie A Clockwork Orange which was directed by Stanley Kubrick my grandfather filmed a little bit for him because he was so good at filming wildlife documentaries about birds ! Japanese don’t really like Cannabis, but maybe I can be the only person in the world to convince them of it from a European country, making Cannabis YouTube videos related to my Japanese videos where I don’t have any Cannabis sadly since that country is strict. It really is better than alcohol and I used to drink Japanese sake every day which causes me to drunk text people all sorts of stupid shit that’s often very angry sadly. They are more likely to be on ice in that country because they eat healthy and they like it for studying. At least in China, they often eat Cannabis more for health reasons. I’m from Germany, the only country where with specifically my psychology I can convince any Asian country to legalize/decriminalize everything eventually LOL just like Portugal :portugal: in 2001 and the west coast right now. I can’t wait to get to Europe to do some Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas living and create a massive list of a collection of all sorts of Cannabis so I’m not so fucked up from drinking alcohol in the mid west where police are ridiculously strict about other stuff even if you think of it from a perspective similar to Billionaire microdose users of psychedelics and amphetamines in Silicon Valley software engineering of San Francisco.

For all the Yakuza and the real people who never sleep especially if they study and earn 10 university degrees literally in a school or from a computer and memorize every major language like even Arabic to truly buy hashish in Lebanon lol a partly Christian country that doesn’t anger even the most Christian American.

@Wizzord Mz Jill got plenty of regs and fems available on some cool projects at a lot of seedbanks - you can check out her website vendors sections for a list. I like North Atlantc Seed Company personally.

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Yes actually for my first grow I will be growing some Jilly Bean S1 fems by MzJill, alongside something from Robinhoodseeds, something from In house and something else possibly from Solfire gardens I am not quite sure yet.

I am hoping that Tiki Madman comes out with a box set of seeds that is themed after the movie The Warriors from 1979 or Natural Born Killers from 1994!


Querkle f1


Has anyone bred the flav? I’ve been looking for the OG The Flav by subcool but it seems impossible :frowning:

MAAAAAAAAAAAAANNN im sad i missed the chance to get a bunch of Subs 10/10 genetics. Ebb & Flow seed company has a killer cross with sub cools cheesecake and give him props for it. I do believe they have more coming to!

Maybe @ix3u can help you out… he/she did a seedrun not long ago and I was lucky enough to score a pack of “jack the ripper” seeds. Thanks again…those are my first subscool beans :sunglasses::call_me_hand: