Turning hash kief into aDiy cheap vapeable product

Ok so this isn’t me instructing other but asking for help lol. I received some good knowledge already I just would like to see what the collective mind can come up with. I called it diy cheap because I’m not going to make any significant purchases ATM to get this done. My goal is to take so so bubble hash and/or dry ice hash into a product a ceramic coil vape can smoke. I’ve been told kief works great just needs to be sifted what micron sifter? Isn’t dry ice and bubble hash essentially sifted kief? @bu2b mentioned heating cleaned product in oven at specific temp until melts, stir product and cool. Does this kinda accomplish the same thing as a press? I don’t make full melt hash mines a bit less quality. Would hot water bottle pressing the hash make it smoke better with the ceramic coil?

Quick run down I’m very unversed in most things extracts and concentrates. I’m not sure on what’s the difference between between all these different concentrates but if they use any chemicals besides high proof alcohol Im not interested. I’m even less versed in vaping, dabbing or any of the other contraptions for smoking concentrates. I don’t know what a banger is or terp slurrper or anything else. My extent is buying disposable carts that screw into a battery which I don’t like the chemical taste. This vape I’m getting is a prize so I know nothing about it except it’s a handheld vape with water filtration yes bong. Here’s the link.

Don’t even know what erig means guessing electric rig lol.

Any knowledge shared would be great. I really don’t want this thread to degress into which way is superior to another just a collection of knowledge that a person can draw their own conclusions. Thanks OGs


Yocan does make some good vapes I use the XXL quad coil

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Similar, but not exactly! Kief is hard to beat quality wise, but good bubble or ice is fantastic too. The argument for kief is sometimes the water can wash away terps and fats/lipids and stuff, but its usually not a big deal. Different ways to get to the same end point imo.

For a rig like that you dont need to sift again(doesnt hurt though), but pressing really does help. The water bottle methods downside is it takes forever. Last few years Ive used a cheapo tortilla press on a hot plate. Even hitting it with a torch or heat gun works great too.

Also makes it real easy to make rosin, just need some rosin press bags. Ghetto rosin press🤣. In a rig like you posted, rosin is for sure the best bet, since its full melt and cleans up real easy. But i dont think you can pull off rosin with the bottle press method? Maybe Im wrong lol

Mostly hydrocarbons on the commercial side! Back when we were butane boys(lol). Nowadays its a lot of pentane, hexane, propane, and blends of them. But its all super dangerous to make, and you need a lot of infrastructure and a good SOP in place for things to go right. Ive personally known too many people that have blown themselves up trying to make butane hash. Vs kief/bubble pressed into hash balls or kief. Worst thing that can happen is you get your feet wet making the bubble hash lol.

Banger is just the quartz “bowl” you pop into a bong to vaporize the concentrate. Also need a “carb cap” to regulate the airflow in that case. Terp Slurper is just a type of banger, but not the best imo. Ive used crystal star quartz bangers forever. Quave Club is great too. Ive got a crystal star thats almost 10 years old, and probably had 10k dabs taken off it. Theyre pricey, but should be a forever purchase. As for carb caps, the cheapo bubble caps work the best usually. Hovercap style ones are killer too, if you can find one for a reasonable price.

Yup! Uses a battery to warm the element, vs a “traditional” dab where you use a torch to heat it up.


How about a hair straightener?

Thanks for all the info y’all! I have bubble bags 1 and 5 gallon sets I’ve done bubble and dry ice I just get bigger returns with dry ice(maybe because of the plant matter being shook to hell and it comes through) but no problem with either. I’m tryin to figure this out without spending more $. :rofl::smiley::+1:

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If youre only pressing a small amount at a time, it could very well work! Ive honestly only done the straightener trick with buds.

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That is probably what id do as well.

Now whats better for pressing fresh bud or dried and cured bud?

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Fresh frozen hash


Lol I have a lot of reading to do obviously! I’ll comeback when I have better questions lol.

Oh ya thanks now I know any larf or what not straight to freezer!

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I’d considered hitting up a thrift store for 2 clothing irons, hinging them together and disassembling the bottom irons handle and casing to mount onto something flat and stable. If it worked, it’d be a decently sized heating pad with adjustable temps to fiddle with.


Wow makes sense thank you.

This is the correct answer lol. My problem is any time I make fresh frozen, I end up smoking it all up the same day. First world problems

Sorry I didnt link this faster, but this book really breaks down how to make hash really nicely. It doesnt mention fresh frozen, but the only adjustment you have to make is pop the trim or hash in the freezer between steps.

And if youre trying to really nerd out on hashish, this book is a gem. https://cannalib.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Hashish-2010-2nd-ed.pdf


Thanks for linking!


Ok so my new toy I won arrived today! Unfortunately I have nothing to test it out with :person_facepalming:.

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