Best way to extract hash from dried buds?

Hi all,

I usually make some ice hash using what I have stored in the fridge (leaves, popcorn buds, things like that) after cutting a plant but this time a friend asked if he could use the same method with dried buds and small leftovers.

The material he has seems a bit too “pressed” to be able to extract anything from it but before giving him the bad news I would like to ask the PROs:
is this method still usable in this situation?
can someone suggest a method to make good extracts from dried buds’ leftovers?


Just soak them well in water n ice, before your start mixing the dry buds, that way you will get less crumbling of the dry leafs.
Dry bud will give a “greener” result, but can still make very good bubble hash.

Or a Kiff tumbler, thats also an option. I tumble all my trim and popcorn, and press it into hash pucks.


Qwiso. Better fresh frozen but dry a real quick wash will bring back some high test almost shatter like product. Google says 60-90% is average outcome of qwiso. Done right itll be amber colored and pop like hard candy but have a taffy like stick outside.
Biggest thing is letting the alcohol evaporate fully. And less heat is better. Ive had terps jump out so strong on this stuff it was like biting a lemon. And def 1hitter quitter potency. Prob twice the strength of any bubble hash.


Qwiso don’t make hash - it’s a organic solvent extraction.

Hash is never made with solvents that disolve the trichomes, it’s a mechanical isolation of the trichomes.
Just so you know the difference!

That said
Qwiso is an effective extraction, and done right can yeald some very potent oil/shatter!
Nothing wrong with it, it’s just not hashish :wink:


True. Qwiso is not hash. I know now more what you mean no chemicals. I just threw qwiso out as an easy potent option but like you said its not really hash

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thanks for all the tips!
we will see which option we will use :slight_smile:

long time ago I have tried QWISO with poor results in quality (quantity was awesome), probably I haven’t dried it properly

Yeah real trick with qwiso is cold as possible and quick wash. If it washes too long or sits it breaks down all the crap too instead of just rinsing resin glands off.


I dry everything in paper bags. I collect it after every grow , sometimes it sits for months… When I’m ready to make my water hash I freeze the dried leaves and whatever buds etc and then put it in the bubble bags and give it whirl … just make sure you always use plenty of Ice.


Still learning how to manage shit material myself without goin to solvents…been doing bubble for a couple years & trial & error has helped. :blush: And LITFA/laziness! I.e. forgetting about the bucket in the refrigerator for weeks :smile:.

I have some old material that has good potency but has an awful chlorophyll taste that washes away after about 4-5 washes, ran it 15 times until it started yielding low. Now I;ve just put the remaining mat’l in the fridge to “soak” for a while having seen this “funk removal” phenomenon…hopefully let it sit for a month if I can wait, then do a quick rinse(no stirring) just to purge the shit off & try to disturb the resin minimally. We’ll see how it goes.

Now having thought about the ISO washing reducing the labor volume, I’m thinking of combining the 2 methods-- do this water rinse to purge the shit flavor water & contaminants… THEN do an alcohol extraction.



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Yep, this is exactly what I do. A good 20-30 minute soak before stirring works wonders.


so, I got a sample of his stash (he insisted, let’s say, a bit too much :slight_smile: ) and this weekend I am going to see how it will work.

I am thinking about doing more washes than usual to try to extract as much as possible, even sacrificing the final quality; I need to understand how much I can get from that material, then I can think about quality :slight_smile:



regarding quantity, the experiment gave honest results, I expected something less and it has been a nice surprise, quality wise it had no flavor, probably because the material was too old and too dry; to compare, I’ve done a washing round with what I had in the freezer, stored shortly after cutting plants, it had an AWESOME taste because the terpens were still there

I have suggested to my friend to use other methods to make extracts or, better, to do some delicious cookies :smiley:

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Seen some things done with dry ice in a bubble bags makes me wonder if I should be taking advantage of the pounds of dry ice that comes in medical supplies almost weekly?


Yes. :smile:

If nothing else it can help as an external bucket cooler. Or even CO2 your plants!



Dry ice hash is good if you want a lot of quantity quickly. Quality of dry ice hash is low however. The dry ice leaves the plant material brittle and it breaks easily, contaminating the hash.

If you are just making edibles, or plan to clean it later go for it. If you want something to smoke on, I would try another method.


Is that with the dry-ice in the mixture of material?

My thought was to use it as an outer shell to the bucket, surrounded by insulation(reflective barrier), and “super-cool” the inside.

What are the implications of cooling solvent extractions to near freezing?

Other peoples thoughts?

:evergreen_tree: There MUST be a better way still… :alembic: :crystal_ball:

I’ve done it that way several times. It produces an ungodly amount of hash. @ReikoX is right, it doesn’t produce the same quality as dry sift or even water hash, but it is the most thorough. It presses into rosin reasonably well.

My new process is two part (producing 2 grades) - dry sift first (highest quality), followed by dry ice (edibles or tincture grade). Even after I have run the bud/trim through the tumbler, I probably get 3x the amount of hash using dry ice, even AFTER running it through the tumbler to collect the dry sift.


Would you say that dry ice made with water is better than just bouncing dry ice in a bubble bag then?

You mean hash made with water? Yea it (water hash) is better.

Dry ice would be my go-to for ease of processing and quantity. You can run dry ice hash in about 1/10th the time it takes to do water hash, and you end up with a dry product that doesn’t need to be re-dried. IMO if you’re making clean edibles, there’s really nothing that compares. Not enough plant matter to notice, and by far the fastest, easiest and most thorough.

I like dry sift for making rosin… but I’ve made it with dry ice hash too and it’s not bad.


Ya the dry ice in the water , would look like a witches brew going on was thinking since dry like -109 F it would get considered colder than the normal ice have ya done it this way? I’d think extractaction would be better thoughts?