Unknown Package arrived!

Really sent out some gems in this pack! Shags with the good Scooby snacks

You still holding any of those Motorbreath F2s??? Ive got all kinds to trade.


Sounds like you got a hell of a mystery package :call_me_hand::mechanical_arm: this site is great

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Hey not sure if this was an open offer if not no worries. Was interested in your mountain temple cross. I’m going to read through more of your fantasy.


Those were really supposed to be for family member appreciation.
I really don’t mind making an occasional exception for good folks.
My main goal is to look out for my family first.

Yep, I sure do.
@DefNSmokn and @420noob Send me your info I will hook ya up.
Come join the family we would love to have ya over there if that is something you are interested in.


I tagged myself like you said and have been waiting permission per op.lmao that was last week maybe longer still been reading can play along with scifi story !

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I thought I gave away a lot of seeds… Your a very generous brother Shag and I love the handle. Shag. I already have over 200 strains, so not gonna hit ya up but wanted to say good Karma to ya for what you do… share.



Wow man! I’ve been wanting motorbreath 15 for ever! The Orange blossom sounds wonderful as well. I’d love to swap some beans with you if you have any extra to spare.


Hey @Carty
Thank you for the compliments!
You are very kind. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I do have more, but these were really supposed to be reserved for my island family.
I am not really interested in a swap, but I do appreciate the offer.

This thread alone has me giving away beans like one of my giveaways.
So I need to make the cutoff somewhere or this could go on forever… :hot_face:
I mean I just got caught up on my mailing and this happened. :face_with_head_bandage:

I will be doing more giveaways for the Fantasy island family very soon, but I need to get caught up again on the shipping.

You seem like a solid dude, but you are still a bit new round here, although you seem well on your way to being a productive member of this community. :star_struck:

What I am saying is I prefer to keep my giveaways to the island family for various reasons, and you need a certain trust level just to get on the island.
Your current OG trust level is a bit below that currently.

If you want to come on over to the island and meet the family, hang out in the lagoon for a bit, I am cool with that.
That way we/the family can see what you are about and maybe in the end you will even become one of the family.

You may have noticed I did trade with some members not on the island, but I do so because I feel they have enough OG street cred to warrant such action.

I hope you do not find this offensive, I mean no disrespect.
But I must look out for my family first and formost.
I hope you understand.
Here is a link to the thread should you be interested in such a thing.



It’s all good man. No hard feelings at all. I’ll check out the island and see what that’s about!

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