Greenpoint seeds seed flip

Received a letter with a Greenpoint seeds flip. Thanks! Not sure who it is from…labeled BH, P+G #3. Wanted to say thank you and ask what the strain is.



It’s from @shag bubblehead x pine tar gush


My man knows his shit! :sunglasses:
Best of luck gents.
Treat me right, and you could have more fire headed your way in the future.


Also just got mine as well thanks again @shag…I’m really liking the seed puck and how it’s closable tag you as soon as I pop a few


Cool man, thanks again. Looking forward to running these out. :grin:



I think you have a different number/female.
If you could please, put that number on the tag.
If we find a certain female we like we can work deeper on that female/number.
In other words it help me keep track of how the females breed out.
Also if you find a nice pheno, you may wish to ask for more of the same beans, you will need the number to get those exact beans.

I know I should write it all down but that is not really my style.
Yes, I can admit, I am lazy, also busy too.

So if you can keep track of what number you have, to the best of your ability, I know shit happens and stuff.



This is a clue to some of the stuff I have coming up…LOL
Don’t wanna get ahead of myself here, I am gone a bunch in the summer.

May the fire be in your hands… :exploding_head:


@shag I had a post about these tree seeds I found that smell like rose-pine-slightly bubblegum. They smell fantastic, would you care if I shipped some to you?
I think the pine-bubblegum profile would be a real winner. :trophy::trophy::trophy:



Well thank you very much for the kind offer, but I must humbly decline.
You see I have soo so many seeds to go through as it is I need help.
To take on more would be a waste of seed.
In fact I have in the past given away packs of seeds I paid hundreds of dollars for just so they got sprouted, course they went to a very good home.
But you get the idea, I have more seeds that I will ever use.
I do have specific projects in mind, but other than that I am sending out seed to be preseved/reproduced by others.

Again thank you very very much for the kind offer.

If I decide to work the pine smell thing in the future I may have some interest.
If you wish to mix things up and see what kinda pine terps pop up I am most certainly game for the show.



Just to clarify the seeds aren’t cannabis seeds. They are from a tree more of. Little red berry than a seed. Filled with a pine-bubblegum smelling sap.

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Ha! :relaxed:
I get it now.
Hmm a tree huh?
Sounds very interesting, have you tried to identify what it is yet?
Maybe Kousa dogwood?

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No I haven’t actually…I will try to tomorrow. I don’t think it’s a particularly rare tree. No it isn’t a dogwood, the berries are much smaller and in clusters.


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The tree seems most similar to a European mountain ash.
But when I read Wikipedias description of the berry it doesn’t match what I am seeing. It isn’t a berry really but a small red seed pod.


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Hey @shag i just wanted to apologize for forgetting to let u know that I have a number 9 on the pack u sent me before I forget again LoL, seriously though thanks for the opportunity I’m just intrigued by the genealogy after reading :heart_eyes::metal:

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Do you happen to have a picture of this mysterious tree?
I bet if you posted a pic the OGverse would assist in the identification of the Mystery Tree…

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Hey Gents, just checkin’ in on things here
How are things going with the beans I sent out to you folks?
Anything worth reporting?



I think I put 4 on the soak. I was kinda drunk when I grabbed them so I think I grabbed the ruffest looking ones to see how they’d do…might have been a couple green ones in there. But…none of them cracked. Still have about 15 good looking ones I’m saving to run indoor in a couple months.


Ok, thanks!
I appreciate the update.:slightly_smiling_face:

Just so ya know here…
If you would like to have more of the stuff I have to offer, please make good on the first arrangement we made… please and thanks!

I would really like to see how these look when they are grown out.
I can not grow out everything myself, so I need some help.

You know… you help me out with what I need, I help you out with what you need.
One big happy family! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks again for the update.


Hey gents!

It has been a couple of months since I last checked in…
I hope everyone is doing well!

Has anyone had a chance to pop any of these beans yet?


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I’ve been staring at the pack all day debating on whether or not to drop them in some water… I’ll probably end up dropping my remaining 10 today or tomorrow.

Edit: I wanted to ask you; are these a cross you made yourself or did you get them from Tony Green?
