Unpopular opinion thread

You lost me at “following the trend”. You seem to value those that do, while I value those that don’t. Hm.

But you are following a trend of pollen chuckers and are ok with that because they call themselves breeders? It’s a trend that can be stopped with actual breeders putting in work. Bananas, pineapples, all the foods we eat have all been worked on by professionals in a field and cannabis won’t be any different.

Kind of a dick thing to say.

Wasn’t intending anything dickish. I’m just stating that cannabis can be taken to another level through education over time.

How do you know what I am doing, at what education level, and with what intention?

You implied that I’m doing the shitty practices that we’ve been talking about.

You said I value those that follow trends, if getting an education is a trend that furthers cannabis than yes, I value that over a bunch of guys tossing pollen in their greenhouses and claiming to be breeders. Honestly wasn’t intending to be a dick

As long as you master the scientific method and philosophy of science, you’ll be fine.


I’m doing the shitty practises we’ve been talking about, I’m not a breeder. I toss pollen at things, that’s it.

You’re selling people seeds that aren’t worked and you’re doing it strictly for profit?

No, pollen chucking with zero clue what I’m doing. Where did I say you were being one of the bad guys? If I did I’m actually sorry about that.

Ah, I know where that got misconstrued. Not that you are specifically following and actively participating in the capitalization of pollen Chuck’s but like actually looking up to and following the people doing it. Maybe that’s a little less harsh. Honesty was not intending to say you are a shitty pollen chucker

hah hah you are all shitty pollen chuckers… now gimme some more seeds :smiley: lol!


I haven’t ever called my self anything other than a guy interested in growing cannabis. I do not have any idols in the cannabis world. Never sold a seed. Never sold a flower. Never gave seeds I’ve made without telling those that they are random selections from “x” variety.

But I do currently have a specific breeding goal for personal purposes. Education isn’t what’s in my way it’s legality. I know I can’t do what’s needed without a greenhouse or large open field. I need to select from thousands. The way they do with other plants that are bred. How do I breed the correct way if it’s not even legal?


Ok and when that legality comes in so will regulations and with those regulations, bureaucracy and with that comes a need for paper work for everything. That is my point. The. Education will matter for this industry. If you don’t have the qualifications you won’t get the license. Now if you have all you ducks in order and are ahead of this trend you have a fighting chance.

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Yeah I don’t want that. That’s not my idea of the right direction.

What seeds are you looking for?


It is inevitable. It’s the future of this plant. That is the way it’s going. If you legalize it happens, if you stay illegal you have the problem you’re dealing with now. With legalization comes the need for people in the industry to be educated if it’s going to be taken seriously

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heh heh it was just a joke I actually have got sooooo many seeds from OG here that I have to take a seed-detox break to sprout them all!!!


Well that’s just like, your opinion, man.

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I know, but I wanted to help you lighten the intensity a bit. Also certain people are an actual challenge to find something they want :grin: