Vessel dynamics in hydro

Would love to start a discussion on vessel/tank/bucket dynamics.

I.e. what is best practice for vessels when used in a hydro application. Actual documentation from relevant research scores extra points!

I will kick it off with a few questions.

My setup looks like this:

  1. What is the ideal volume of a single plant vessel in DWC?

I had some discussion in another thread where it was alluded that larger vessel volume equated to bigger rootballs and better growth. This makes sense to me and seems logical. If this is the case, what is the point of diminishing return, what is the ideal volume?

  1. Vessel shape, does it matter?

I am using buckets. Does round vs square make a difference? Square seems like it would accept the plumbing easier, like the bulkhead fittings and such.


Question #3: What are the dynamics of growing a single plant per vessel, vs larger vessels with multiple plants?

I have been doing 5gal buckets with one plant each. What would be the risk/benefit to using a larger 20 gal vessel with multiple plants? Is the view worth the climb?


Very nice work on that system diagram Mr. Wiz! I printed it and saved for future reference.

There are loads of hydro experts on OG, and I don’t have enough experience with hydro to comment usefully, but as to the volume question, my micro octopuppies have produced some prodigious plants with their one gallon reservoirs. Jus sayin.



From experience ive notice that multi pots often do better then single pot. My thesis is that because the roots clump together the plants help distribute resources to each other as they would do in soil/nature.

Ive also tried multiple sizes and shapes of the vessels and only thing ive noticed is that the height If the vessel seems to matter. Taller vessels get large root systems faster and its noticable on the above ground growth.

Thats my two cents.

Pz out growmies :v:t2:


You don’t need 5gal. vessels to grow a 3-4ft. tall plant…here’s proof…


I ran Krusty Buckets for a couple of years, 2003 or 2004 maybe… I’m not a hydro expert, but I did love building my system. I find F&D much easier to do myself.


I ran dwc in 5 gallon buckets and now I grow rdwc with 2 plants in 27 gallon totes with another 27 gallon tote as a rez.
The 5 gallon buckets required me to do frequent rez changes. The tote system does not.
I’ve had 3 grows in the tote system with no rez change.
Just my experience


What @Hydro921 said :arrow_double_up:

When I started up dwc again I went with 10 and 20 gallon totes and had great success. More stable and bigger plants compared to 5 gallon buckets.


Blue sky scheme here.

Considering using a tall cambro for the plant vessel.
Would the rectangular shape inhibit the rootball, single plant per vessel?

I like the insulation as the tent is always hotter than what I want the rez to be.
I like the flat sides as it makes it easier to install bulkheads for the plumbing.

Figure I can find a used one reasonable on fleabay or whatever.


Or maybe something like this:
With the wheel base it wont need a stand for gravity overflow.
The side with the handle is flat to accommodate bulkheads
I can repurpose the spout on the front for the air supply™-roller-5-gallon-cooler?sku=blue-5-gallon&gmc_feed=t&&ogmap=SEM|PLN|GOOG|SHOP|c|OUT|IM|Non-Brand-PerformanceMax-Outdoor-Camping|Camping||18347843469|0&gclid=CjwKCAjwtp2bBhAGEiwAOZZTuAd-77PVQK1CZ0_1GyPRUQMFtZUb6nkJq084BvXMytQYLAL8cBiMthoCOfoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


No it won’t

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What about these? Probably the cheapest and easiest available option, as great as the Cambro 500LCD is:

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Pulled the trigger on the Igloo Sport. That flat side will make for easier bulkhead installation.

Will post pics once I install the plumbing


Only thing I can see coming up is that being insulated the wall is gonna be pretty thick, and you’ll have to get a good seal on both sides so you don’t fill the foam up with res water. How long are your bulkheads? Do they have o-ring seals?

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Ill let you know when I get the cooler. The ones I have are 1.75" but I can get longer bulkheads if needed, and I agree about the seal, I will be very cognizant of it.

These are like 2.5" long.


What I did when I drilled a hole through the rez cooler was I put a thick layer of JB-Weld plastic epoxy all around the exposed cut. That seems to have sealed up the exposed foam pretty well.


Wont know for sure until I actually drill it, but I think my unions on hand will work fine. I can longer ones if needed.

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Here is another question. Context of DWC, does 4" vs 6" baskets matter? I need to drill the lid to accommodate them.

I am suspecting little to no difference since the rootball forms beneath the basket.

If your using the 3’x3’x? tent, I’d run 4". If you had room to push some space between buckets, then I’d go to 6", bit more veg time maybe.
IMHO, fan leaf, just is a store of starches, should the plant need to use it.
When I start the removal of leaf, I start on just the main stalk, removing all the big fans, before flowering her.
After flower starts, I wait about a week to start taking very little bits off them, the scrubs, if you will.
However, when I needed mass amount for edibles, I let the scrubs on, and I had zero care of what the buds were like as I was after the goodies in the plant to process.

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