VIVOSUN Labor Day Giveaway-Win What You Want

Dang it, problem is, my head wont swivel around that far! I usually have to ask another friend to pull them back out, what can I say, Im a sucker with my own bad karma still following me around…Dogs help alot…have a good one friend!

Awesome brother man ! Appreciate the nudge,I could so use something like that ! Thank you !
Peace and best of luck !

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I would loooooove to have a big 4x4 tent to completely fill :face_holding_back_tears:


@highminwin @ColeLennon @Nagel420

Good luck everybody!!

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Thanks for the opportunity @VIVOSUN

I would love a 2 in 1 tent.
I moved my grandmother in with me a little while back so I could make sure she’s taken care of, in doing so i lost my spare room. Family comes first though.

I don’t officially know many people yet, but I’ll tag a couple who have blessed me. Thank you all again. @Tracker @Maddawg @NugLifeFarms420 @Hashton_Kusha


Thanks for the opportunity @VIVOSUN
@argo945 @Prince @sedin @DesertHeartGardens @DougDawson

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@BeagleZ @CrunchBerries @DJSF

Thanks for the opportunity @VIVOSUN this kit would be great :blush:


Im gonna dare to dream big. @ReikoX @Heliosphear @Dr.VitaminGreen Hopefully you lot don’t mind the tag.

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@misterbee @highminwin @tenderhorse

I would love to get this 4x2 to veg in instead of my bedroom!
thanks for the chance @VIVOSUN :partying_face:

You are aware that this is a worldwide OG @VIVOSUN .?

I don’t like these US/Canada ONLY comps/giveaways etc.

In saying that ;- GOOD LUCK :crossed_fingers: to the North American members …!


Whaaaaaat ? @Gaz29 That’s shocking
They sell their products here in rest of world , take our money but exclude us from the fun ? We not friends too @VIVOSUN ? I guess not , United we stand , devided we fall , who’s with me ? , what no one lol
Going up now to remove my entry SMH
‘ Overgrow the world ‘


There isnt a way to follow on here, But follow along this thread and if you have insta or facebook you can follow us there too. :slight_smile:


Lol : ) Thats funny

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Is this where we ask for your 2x3 complete tent grow system with pyramid garden?

Call it the Overgrow Edition. I want the 6inx6in 24 site pyramid base, not the 12inx12in one :wink:. Use the 24 sites for some killer seed runs :grin::thinking::wink:!

Cause I mean, in a 2x3 tent that thing could really rock, plus it’s super eco friendly, like your Vivosun LED panels :grin:!


I would go for the 2x2 tent kit, for keeping males segregated.

@Rhino_buddy @repins12 @PetalPowerseed




What an exciting opportunity @VIVOSUN !

I’d have to opt for another of the 4x3 since they’re the only 72inch tents I can find for my tiny basement.

This looks like a sweet setup!

What do you think, @CADMAN @Greenup @NEK-Fowldog ? @Chronickyle still out there?

Thanks for the heads up @Dirtron


Thank you @VIVOSUN for this great opportunity !

I’m following you on & same username…

Liked both posts & tagged 3 people here & on Twitter! & linked the product I’m interested in !

I could really use a new tent & the one you offer here is Excatlty the size I need… It’s the only one that fits into my limited space & my current non branded tent is being held together by tucktape, it’s sad !

Here is what I want:

VIVOSUN S276 2.7x2.7 Mylar Grow Tent, 32" x 32" x 63"

Thanks for the heads up @Rhino_buddy I appreciate you :pray:

Check this out you guys:
@Jinglepot @Pigeonman @Oldtimerunderground @anonymous4289

@VIVOSUN the Twitter post link.


i actually have this exact tent. i used it once and haven’t put it to use recently but i’m thinking of using it for some breeding sometime soon i hope. the zipper was getting stuck but some WD40 solved that for now. i also have a 5x5 ac infinity and the damn zipper broke. i’m tired of low quality tent zippers.

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Thanks for the great opportunity @VIVOSUN. Putting together my first indoor, may as well start with a tent.


This new and improved 5X5 looks like a winner.

Right @Qtip @BarefootAndBlazed @Carty ?


Very cool. Hell I need a new tent bad, mine is full of ducktape lol it’s a $24 crappy non branded one currently. :sweat_smile: So this tent would be perfect.

You should use your tent and breed something or grow veggies :wink:


Wow I’m just glad to see you giving us all an awesome opportunity to get some new grow equipment here in the OG community thanks @VIVOSUN
I’ve needed a grow tent and it’d be nice to have a new 4x2 from you to step up my growing to the next level with next level equipment! VIVOSUN GIY 4 x 2 ft. Complete Grow Kit with VS2000 LED Grow Light, 48" x 24" x 60"Happy Growing!

@Mithridate @DJSF @MoBilly