VIVOSUN USB-C Splitters Coming SOON

:clap:With VIVOSUN USB-C Splitters, you can easily control up to 12 AeroWave E6 clip-on fans, and all connected fans are controlled by the same schedule.

VIVOSUN USB-C Splitters Coming SOON! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
:point_right: Check out how to set it up:vivosun official on Instagram: "With VIVOSUN USB-C Splitters, you can easily control up to 12 AeroWave E6 clip-on fans, and all connected fans are controlled by the same schedule. VIVOSUN USB-C Splitters Coming SOON! #vivosun #vivosunusbcsplitters #vivosunsplitters"


Would you say they’re coming lickety split? :laughing:


Pretty soon!

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Those AeroWave fan-lights are soooo cool. Ive had so many issues before trying to control the temps in the light zone and canopy zone and it seems like the best of both worlds. I’d love to try one out someday!


Man the timing on this couldn’t be better! I just picked up 2 more Aerowave 6s and was bummed I couldn’t hook them up to my GrowHub. It’s actually almost scary timing :laughing:


Any update on a release date?